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Visiting mobile consulate to bring services closer to Ecuadorian citizens on Formentera

The Formentera Office of Social Welfare is pleased to report that the Consulate of the Republic of Ecuador, with logistical support and collaboration from the FOSW immigration service, will offer consular services to Ecuadorian citizens residing on the island of Formentera. The mobile consulate programme will be offered 22 and 23 April 2022. Friday 22 April from 12 noon to 7.00pm, and Saturday 23 April from 9.00am to 7.00pm.

The mobile consulate will be stationed in the FOSW's new offices in Es Brolls (Formentera Day Centre), Sant Francesc. Ecuadorian residents on Formentera will be able to register births, deaths and marriages and obtain related certificates, as well as other formalities like those involving powers of attorney, apostilles for documents, criminal record certificates and changing a voter's address on file.

Scheduling appointments

To schedule an appointment for this mobile consulate on Formentera, Ecuadorian citizens must send an e-mail to econsulado@gmail.com, including their full name and surname, Ecuadorian passport or identity card number and telephone number, as well as a description of the type of consular service they wish to request.

The mobile consulate will not renew identity cards or issue Ecuadorian passports. These services can be requested at an in-person appointment at the Consulate of Ecuador in Palma. For more information on these services, please send an e-mail to consuladointerno@gmail.com and provide your contact information.

7 April 2022
Communications Office
Consell de Formentera