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Areas Social action Culture and Historical Heritage Four Formentera pupils are finalists in Aqualia international drawing contest for children

Four Formentera pupils are finalists in Aqualia international drawing contest for children

Entrega premis aqualia EDIT 350x251Four chosen from among 8,500 participating pupils from different municipalities in Spain and Portugal where Aqualia provides service

Councillor of culture delivers awards


Maria Ferrer of Mestre Andreu primary school and Àlex Castelló, Carlos Wenham and Valentina Ferrer of Sant Ferran de Ses Roques, have been picked as finalists in the individual category of the Aqualia company’s Concurs Internacional de Dibuix Infantil. As a prize, CiF head of culture Susana Labrador presented each of the finalists a copy of the game El meu primer hort (‘my first vegetable garden’). The head of Aqualia’s municipal water service, Maria Del Mar Yern, was also present as prizes were handed out.

Councillor Labrador congratulated the pupils on their hard work and underscored the importance of “raising awareness among young people about using our resources wisely and not wasting”.

Mar Yern, for her part, applauded the participants’ creativity, saying she was “taken aback by the finalists’ ability to show us what their ideal worlds look like. They’ve given these places life, delivering water to people, animals and plants – just like Aqualia does every day”.

The competition, a nod to World Water Day, has the slogan “Omple el teu món de vida” (‘Fill your world with life’). Organisers say their goal is to “promote sustainability at the most local level”. Crucial to doing that, they say, “is a responsible use of natural resources like water”.

This year some 8,500 third and fourth year pupils from different Spanish and Portuguese municipalities in Aqualia's service area took park in the competition. The contest also served to promote new technologies and sustainable development, because children were encouraged to avoid using paper. The competition was organised on the microsite www.ompleelteumondevida.cat (www.llenatumundodevida.es), where participants could find hordes of illustrations to help them recreate their idea of a perfect world and then name it.

Now in its thirteenth year, the Concurs Internacional is an initiative to educate youth about the water cycle. Organisers hope to help young people see that, with a few simple steps, everyone can contribute to a more efficient use of this precious natural resource.

For more information
Departamento de Comunicación
@ConcursoDMA and @FCCAqualia

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