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Areas General Services Economy and Treasury

Formentera rebrà 2 milions d'euros per finançar quatre projectes del Pla territorial de sostenibilitat turística

El Consell de Formentera, a través de l'àrea d'Economia i Hisenda, informa que Formentera rebrà 2 milions d'euros del Pla de recuperació, transformació i resiliència del govern central per l'estratègia de sostenibilitat turística en destinacions que s'invertiran durant aquest 2022 en quatre projectes. "Aquest pla persegueix millorar la sostenibilitat de la destinació Formentera amb l'impuls de projectes diferents però interconnectats entre si", segons ha explicat el conseller d'Economia i Hisenda, Bartomeu Escandell.

"Els projectes previstos emanen dels objectius perseguits en els quatre eixos que planteja l'Estratègia de sostenibilitat turística en destinacions", segons ha detallat el conseller. En l'àmbit de la transició verda i sostenible, tipificat en l'eix 1, es preveu una inversió a millorar i aplicar solucions telemàtiques intel·ligents a la regulació d'accés al Parc Natural de ses Salines i les seues reconegudes platges, fent més sostenible i racional l'ús d'aquest espai natural singular i altament protegit. Per aquest projecte s'ha aprovat una dotació de 250.000 €.

Pel que fa a l'eix 2, de millora de l'eficiència energètica, s'ha aconseguit una dotació d'1.150.000 € per la instal·lació de pèrgoles fotovoltaiques en aparcaments públics i la col·locació de punts de recàrrega per a vehicles elèctrics en aquests aparcaments. "Amb aquest projecte seguim el camí cap a la mobilitat sostenible en què des de fa anys es treballa des del Consell i que vol impulsar la substitució del vehicle convencional per l'elèctric, entre d'altres", ha matisat el conseller Bartomeu Escandell.

Amb referència a l'eix 3, de transició digital, es preveuen actuacions en matèria de tractament de dades massives per a la recerca turística i per obtenir dades per valorar l'evolució de les mesures encaminades a aconseguir la sostenibilitat de l'illa, així com per estudiar noves mesures a aplicar. Per aquest projecte, que impulsarà la feina que es fa actualment des de l'Observatori de Dades, s'ha reservat una partida de 250.000 €.

Per últim i pel que respecta a l'eix 4, relacionat amb l'increment del control telemàtic de l'accés limitat de vehicles a l'illa, s'han reservat 350.000 € que es faran servir per a la millor gestió del projecte formentera.eco de regulació d'entrada, circulació i estacionament de vehicles a l'illa de Formentera.

21 de gener de 2021
Àrea de Comunicació
Consell de Formentera

Formentera to subsidise up to 50% of property tax for homes that harness solar energy

The Formentera Office of Economy and Finance is pleased to report that from 2022, owners of homes incorporating solar-power for their energy needs will see their property taxes reduced up to 50%. The measure received initial approval when local decision-makers gathered for the island’s monthly plenary assembly and is now pending final approval.

FOEF chief Bartomeu Escandell said the rebate was about “promoting sustainable energy and helping us care for our environment” and described it as “part and parcel of local government has been advocating for years”.

Homeowners who receive a 40% rebate can save as much as €600 over four years if they have existing or future installations generating at least 4 kW of electricity and can provide proof from the installer. Installations rigged to feed surplus electricity back into the grid will mean 50% rebates for a maximum of €700 over four years.

Approvals fast-tracked for new installations

The Consell de Formentera has also simplified things for islanders interested in equipping their homes with solar-panel installations. Collector panels can be installed have only to notify local government and deliver related documentation to the OAC or OVAC at least one working day in advance. The tax on such installations is also being subsidised by up to 90%.

5 October 2021
Communications Office
Consell de Formentera

Formentera asks for €4M in EU funding for 6 projects promoting sustainability, energy efficiency, digital transition and competitiveness

The Formentera Office of Economy and Formentera Tax Office have submitted six projects to the Ministry of Tourism in response to a special call for submissions to a European Union financing scheme known as the Programme of Tourist Destination Plans for Sustainability. According to Bartomeu Escandell, the councillor for both departments, the island has requested a total of €4 million for actions related to green and sustainable transition, improved energy efficiency, the digital transition and competitiveness.

For her part, Consell de Formentera President Alejandra Ferrer remarked that the projects “leverage new technologies to achieve a cleaner, more energy-efficient and more competitive island and to improve the quality of life of residents and the experience of visitors”.

Green and sustainable transition

The first plans for which a grant of €300,000 has been requested involve smart access via Cavall den Borràs, Ses Illetes and Llevant beaches to the Ses Salines Natural Reserve. Since 2008, limited controls have been in place on vehicles entering the reserve, an enclave of immense ecological and scenic value. The plan’s architects propose harnessing new technologies to enhance and render more efficient of the existing process of manual controls. The aim is to ameliorate the experience of tourists and islanders accessing when the area and to safeguard the environmental and natural values it has historically represented.

Valued at €1 million, the second grant would fund plans for a new treatment and recycling plant for construction waste. Architects of the plan say waste management is increasingly key to ensuring efficient government actions, and that reusing local products and by-products is increasingly vital to reducing transport costs and transport-related pollution. This situation of cost overruns and excessive pollution is particularly concerning on islands, where products consumed must be imported, with the cost and CO₂-emission increases that such transport represents. The treatment and recycling plant would serve to transform waste from construction operations into by-products usable for public and private urban improvement and upgrades, drastically cutting CO2 emissions associated with continuous maritime travel, thereby reducing the attendant carbon footprint and growing the circular economy by fomenting locally-sourced products.

Improving energy efficiency

The third, €1.2 million grant would optimise use of public spaces and create a new source of renewable energy thanks to solar panel-equipped pergolas —the first would go up alongside arterials in Sant Francesc and Sant Ferran— featuring recharge points for electric vehicles. Part of Formentera’s commitment to replacing dirty energies with renewable ones and vehicles that pollute the environment with other, more eco-friendly options, the project would support more sustainable mobility, reduce the island’s energy dependence on outside sources, grow the Formentera’s fleet of electric vehicles and improve air quality.

Digital transition

A grant of €200,000 euros was additionally requested for a project dubbed Big Data Turística, Formentera — a model of tourism using mass data and in which decision-making in support of good governance is underpinned by data that are structured, dynamic and obtained in real time.

The proposal envisions a Smart Tourism System and smart destination system, mobilising data obtained with artificial intelligence —featured visions vary from socio-demographic, economic, environmental and tourism, to culture and heritage, mobility, education and sports and resident experience— to ensure competitive advantages for the destination in question.

The island requested a fifth, €300,000 grant for formentera.eco. The funding would give a boost to technical aspects of the scheme which, since 2019, has sought to regulate incoming vehicles and those which are driven on Formentera in summer.


The sixth and final project, for which Formentera requested a grant in the amount of €1 million, involves road upgrades and new infrastructure in La Savina and Es Ca Marí. It marks a continuation of a host of initiatives which in recent years have expanded local infrastructure and delivered road improvements and pedestrian-only zones in urban centres. Such actions have offered a host of benefits, from making towns more accessible to local residents and removing vehicle traffic from within town centres, to reactivating commercial activity and enhancing appeal for tourists.

28 September 2021
Communications Office
Consell de Formentera

Economic help for companies battered by covid-19

foto 2021 economia CConsell de Formentera premiere Alejandra Ferrer, deputy premiere and entrepreneurship chief Ana Juan and economy and finance chief Bartomeu Escandell sat down with Manuel Porras, the director-general of economic promotion, entrepreneurship and social and circular economy for the regional government. The gathering, in which Porras reported on plans to offer a leg-up for Balearic businesses, was also attended by members of the local business community.

Ferrer welcomed Porras’s visit, which both administrations and island business viewed as a chance to work out details and ensure on-the-ground compatibility of government assistance, with attendees taking the opportunity to review Spanish and Balearic decrees on terms of the €855m economic injection for crisis-hit companies in the region.

Porras highlighted newly expanded eligibility criteria that will bring assistance to an additional 10 companies and 26 freelancers on Formentera, expanding the regional tally of aid beneficiaries to 176 companies and more than 300 self-employed workers.

Porras described the help as purpose-oriented and urged all eligible candidates to apply, pointing out disbursements would not be based on order of application submission. “We want the process to be simple”, confided the director-general, saying applicants could even count on early payout. The application period is expected to start by late May or early June, and the first freelancers could receive assistance by the end of next month.

New aid from Consell
President Ferrer said the island’s government and business leaders would closely monitor the Govern’s current proposal and make sure aid from the Consell moving forward addressed any blind spots and was as inclusive as possible. One hundred applications have been received in response to the Consell’s package of €630,000 in assistance for crisis-hit freelancers and small businesses. Payments are due to be issued as early as next week. Ferrer concluded by calling for a new meeting to finalise proposals and modifications with employers’ groups.

7 May 2021
Communications Department
Consell de Formentera

Consell de Formentera extends deadline for taxes and local fees until 1 December

The Formentera Tax Office reports that, as first announced in April and as part of economic relief measures stemming from the pandemic, islanders will benefit from a two-month extension on this year’s payments of taxes and municipal fees. The new deadline is 1 December.

During the second half of September, individuals who have set up direct deposit will have taxes and fees automatically debited from their accounts. However, those that wish to postpone payment can do so by contacting their bank before 15 September and contacting the local headquarters of the Balearic tax office (Agència Tributària de les Illes Balears; C/Eivissa, 9; www.atib.es; tel. 971 321 577) prior to 1 December to avoid additional fees.

8 September 2020
Department of Communications
Consell de Formentera

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