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Consell hires six jobless islanders as part of 2021 SOIB Reactiva

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Today, Ana Juan, President and Councillor of Entrepreneurship, met with the six newly hired members of Consell de Formentera staff. Recruited through SOIB Reactiva, the individuals will be employed by the municipal administration for the next six months.

Among the previously unemployed recruits, two are under 30 years old and will work as administrative assistant and brigade operator. The other four new hires are over 30 and came from situations of long-term unemployment; two will work as information assistants, one as a brigade operator and one as a cleaner.

President Juan told the new recruits she hoped that "their work experience with the Consell is immensely worthwhile and that it eases their re-entry to the labour market".

Plans are in place for a second round of recruitment, which will include positions for three people. 2021 SOIB Reactiva is backed by the SOIB and co-financed by the European Social Fund (part of Operational Programmes for 2014-2020 Youth and Regional Employment) and with state funds through the Sectoral Conference on Employment and Labour Affairs.

10 December 2021
Communications Office
Consell de Formentera

Data Observatory analyses flow of tourists and visitor comments, concerns and suggestions on social media

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Today, before a gathering of the Commission for the Management and Promotion of Tourism (Comissió d'Ordenació i Promoció Turística, COPT), Alejandra Ferrer, Vice President and Councillor of Tourism, sat down with Carlos Bernús, Head of Tourism Promotion, and Catalina Ramis, a specialist at the Formentera Data Observatory, for a press conference to share with industry representatives details about a project involving sensor antennas and research into tourist mobility flows and empathic listening on social media.

Flow of tourists

The June 2020 installation of ten sensor antennas at strategic points of the island means that, for the first time this year, the island's government can present data on crowds in various areas of the island and mobility flows involving tourists, day visitors and Formentera residents. According to Ms Ramis, the data indicate that from June to October 2021, 541,419 visitors came to Formentera. Of this number, 361,531 were day-trippers and 179,888 were tourists who spent at least one night on the island.
Councillor Ferrer explained that the data serve to back Formentera up in requesting competent administrations "to help regulate this influx of visitors, especially in the case of day trips." The idea, said Ferrer, "is that day visitors arrive in a more orderly manner and in line with the island's carrying capacity and port". Moreover, she said, if Formentera's tourism marketing division knows how day-trippers move, the island's government can "make policies to better distribute them so some sites are not overrun by crowds" and "tourist and islander satisfaction goes up".

Empathetic listening on social media

Over the course of the summer season, Formentera's representatives listened to feedback from the island's visitors on social media and online broadcasting channels. All told, an initial 22,858 visitor comments reached 110,674,824 individuals.

In the words of the deputy premier and tourism chief, "the aim of the Empathetic Listening project is to learn about the various actions and online reactions of Formentera's visitors regarding the island's offer as a tourist destination. The data are differentiated based on whether tourists are Spanish, English, French, Italian or German so decision-makers can understand the insight more clearly and chose wisely as they attempt to improve the destination".

The study's authors identified a high degree of tourist satisfaction with their holidays and experiences on Formentera. Tourists indicated that the island awakened feelings and emotions of "happiness and admiration for distinctly well-preserved nature, landscapes and beaches". Other highlights were "the light, beauty, magic, sense of tranquility and people". They described Formentera as "an authentic and unique paradise" and "a sustainable destination".

Leading concerns included the large numbers of tourists at specific times and places on the island. Day-trippers in particular said crowds caused a diminished sense of charm and other issues.


Ferrer, Bernús and the COPT's political and industry representatives met after the press conference. Participants sat for a review of marketing activities this year included in the Economic and Tourism Promotion Plan approved jointly with the sector. The events' schedule was presented as well so that the industry can plan the start and end of its season. In addition to agreeing on marketing activities for 2022, COPT members agreed to convene again after the International Tourism Fair (Fitur), which coincides with the end of the 2022 Tourism Promotion Plan.

2 December 2021
Communications Office
Consell de Formentera

Formentera presenta les accions promocionals de final d'any

Foto 2021 promocio Italia 2El Consell de Formentera, a través de l'àrea de Turisme, informa sobre les accions promocionals que està duent a terme aquests dies. Avui Formentera participarà en una fira en línia que porta la nostra destinació fins a Islàndia. Durant la setmana passada Formentera va participar en dos roadshows (esdeveniments promocionals itinerants) que varen recórrer quatre ciutats d'Itàlia i tres de Suïssa. La pròxima setmana la destinació Formentera es promocionarà en la fira International Luxury Travel Market de Cannes (ILTM).


Avui Formentera participa en la trobada en línia 'Relaunch'22' adreçada al sector de viatges i premsa a nivell internacional, però que sobretot se centra en el mercat islandès. "En aquest taller de treball en xarxa posarem els nostres esforços a destacar els aspectes naturals de Formentera, en sintonia amb els d'Islàndia, així com els vincles que ens uneixen amb aquesta destinació que també és illenca com nosaltres", segons ha destacat la vicepresidenta.

Itàlia i Suïssa

La setmana passada Formentera va recórrer quatre ciutats italianes, Milan, Torino, Roma i Nàpols, en un esdeveniment promocional itinerant organitzat per Tourespaña. La vicepresidenta i consellera de Turisme, Alejandra Ferrer ha destacat que "ens hem sumat a aquesta promoció per no perdre presència en el mercat italià, tradicionalment fidel a la nostra destinació i en el qual cercam turisme de qualitat, que s'estimi Formentera i ens ajudi a cercar l'equilibri entre la satisfacció del resident i la del turista".

La nostra destinació també ha participat en un altre esdeveniment promocional itinerant organitzat per Tourespaña, que en aquest cas ha recorregut tres ciutats de Suïssa, Ginebra, Berna i Zuric. "En aquesta acció promocional, Formentera ha destacat els atractius de l'illa, sobretot davant la crisi sanitària, on hi ha molts espais a l'aire lliure que els visitants poden gaudir d'una manera segura", segons ha assenyalat Alejandra Ferrer. A més, ha afegit que "també ha promocionat tots els esdeveniments de final i principi de temporada per atreure turistes i oferir un valor afegit".

International Luxury Travel Market de Cannes

La pròxima setmana, entre el 6 i el 9 de desembre, Formentera també es promocionarà a la International Luxury Travel Market de Cannes (França). "Mantendrem trobades de feina amb agents de viatges i empreses especialitzades en turisme de luxe que es mostren interessats a conèixer la nostra illa", segons ha explicat la també responsable de Turisme. "Destacarem els atractius turístics de l'illa durant la temporada baixa així com la seua oferta cultural i esportiva i la seva història, gastronomia i costums", ha afegit.

30 de novembre de 2021
Àrea de Comunicació
Consell de Formentera

'Compra a Casa' delivers Black Friday gift card

foto 2021xii compra a casaNieves Gómez Ortiz, a Compra a Casa cardholder for two years, has received a €50 gift card after a drawing hosted by the Formentera Office of Commerce and the island's small- and medium-sized business group (Pimef) on the occasion of Black Friday. Gómez said would use the prize to buy shoes for her daughter.

A parallel push, 'This Christmas Buy Local' (Al Nadal compra a casa) rewards purchases made on the island between 1 December and 6 January. Compra a Casa cardholders who spend at least €20 at participating businesses will be automatically entered to win a €500 gift card.

2 December 2021
Communications Office
Consell de Formentera

Alejandra Ferrer defends island's quest for balance at 5th Conference on Tourism and Society in Girona

Today, Alejandra Ferrer, Vice-President and Councillor of Tourism of the Consell de Formentera, attended the Fifth Conference on Tourism and Society - New Horizons in Tourism at Fundació La Caixa in Girona. At "Models of Tourism", Vice-President Ferrer pointed that since the creation of the Consell de Formentera, the island's government has defended a model that is "built around balance and which seeks to enhance visitor experience while bettering and respecting the quality of life of residents".

Ferrer offered an overview of local tourism over the years and explained how the island's triple insularity protected it from speculation that affected other coastal territories. "Our current policies are about striking a balance between caring for the land, protecting the tourist economy and safeguarding natural resources. We have also created the Formentera Observatory, a tool that not only provides insight into our strengths as a destination, but also the threats we face, so that we can craft policies to counteract those threats", she said.

Ferrer highlighted some of the policies that prioritise quality tourism and visitors interested in finding something special, who appreciate the island's unique, laid-back pace She pointed to plans for a vast network of electric vehicle recharge stations, nature trails, a ceiling on permits for overnight rentals and the formentera.eco project to regulate vehicles on island roads during the high season.

Ferrer also described challenges such as saturation and, at sea, anchoring ships and tailoring the port to meet local needs, account for carrying capacity and move towards decarbonisation. In that regard, Ferrer appealed for "the courage to implement protection policies and, at the same time, respect from other administrations so we can make these policies a reality and have the control to self-govern and manage our situation ourselves". Lastly, Ferrer underscored the importance of "continuing to build increased awareness", reasoning, "People appreciate what they know, and they protect what they appreciate". "It is now clear that more is not always better", she added, "but better can mean more".

26 November 2021
Communications Office
Consell de Formentera

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