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Areas Social action Social Welfare

Survey to help develop the 4th Plan on Drugs, Screens and Games

The Formentera Office of Social Welfare is developing the Fourth Plan on Drugs, Screens and Games (2022-2025) with collaboration and support from the Health and Community Foundation (Fundació Salut i Comunitat, FSC). Islanders aged 18 and over can help ensure the process is participatory and realistic by completing a short, anonymous questionnaire here.

The Fourth Plan on Drugs, Screens and Games stems from a commitment to promote, coordinate and lead the response to health and social problems linked to substances, screens and games. Integrating initiatives and actions that range in scope from social and economic to educational and health-related, the Plan addresses drug use, screens and games through the lense of cross-cutting issues of inequality in areas like gender, cultural diversity and age.

17 December 2021
Communications Office
Consell de Formentera

Consell joins the Family Skills Programme to foster parenting skills

The Formentera Office of Social Welfare and the Balearic Department of Social Affairs are pleased to offer local families with children aged 12 to 16 the chance to take part in the Family Skills Program (Programa de Competencia Familiar, PCF).

Rafael Ramírez, Councillor of Social Welfare, signalled that "this year, the social welfare office has joined PCF to give families –fathers, mothers, sons and daughters– the tools to improve family relationships, parenting skills and child behaviour, and to guard against problematic conduct like drug use".

The Family Skills Programme is geared toward families with dependent children aged 12 to 16. The programme accommodates all members of the family unit with a methodology based on scientific evidence. Staff provide parents with tools to prevent nascent problems from escalating, helping them to resolve conflicts democratically and work with youth to strengthen social skills.

The programme plays out in 14 sessions to be held in the Sala de Plens of the Consell de Formentera. The schedule is to be determined. To register, send an email to educaciosocial@conselldeformentera.cat or telephone 971.32.12.71 from 15 December to 15 January.

14 December 2021
Communications Office
Consell de Formentera

cartell 2021 aprenem junts

Formentera recognises the work of island volunteers

foto 2021xii voluntariat aToday, for International Volunteer Day, the Formentera Office of Social Welfare is pleased to present a video salute to the valuable work of local volunteers. The clip highlights the wealth of volunteer actions on Formentera and, secondly, as Rafael Ramírez, Councillor of Social Welfare, pointed out, "we want to thank the people who offer their selfless work day in day out". "Our institutions must actively recognise the role of volunteers and their visibility in society", said Councillor Ramírez.

He remarked that "Formentera has a diverse, committed and supportive fabric of associations that face new situations and challenges every day in a bid to secure a society that is fairer and more egalitarian". The councillor took the opportunity to applaud the local chapter of the Spanish Association Against Cancer (Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer, AECC), which received the Balearic government's Savina Prize on 1 December. "The AECC is an example of volunteer work bridging the values of commitment and generosity", he said.

Volunteer work is cross-cutting, covering many areas and groups. It is an essential instrument in our society, not only on account of the values implicit in the organised participation of citizens, but because it represents a commitment to the general interest and encourages justice, social cohesion and a more inclusive, relational and participative society.

Training days

To promote volunteering, last week the Consell de Formentera staged two days in which thirty people participated. In the first, an information session, there were eleven attendees from six local groups; about twenty people took part in the training day held Saturday.

5 December 2021
Communications Office
Consell de Formentera

10 newly arrived islanders complete Course in Social and Cultural Integration

foto 2021xi curs integracioYesterday ten students from a range of backgrounds including Colombia, Argentina, Morocco and Brazil completed a course offered by the Formentera Office of Social Welfare to promote social and cultural integration. 2021 marks the fifteenth year of the Curs d'Integració Social i Cultural. Rafael Ramírez, Councillor of Social Welfare, attended the last class and presented students with diplomas. The councillor applauded the "interest and resolve of participants", for whom the course offers the prospect of an integration report from the Balearic Islands' regional government and preparation for the CCSE citizenship test.

Classes at the Escola d'Adults were given by Dolores Fernández Tamargo and focused on the constitutional values of the Spanish state, human rights and public freedoms, the Balearic Statute of Autonomy, the European Union and equality between women and men.

1 December 2021
Communications Office
Consell de Formentera

Una trentena de persones participen en les jornades de voluntariat a Formentera

foto 2021 voluntariatAUna trentena de persones ha participat aquest cap de setmana en les dues jornades organitzades per la Plataforma del Voluntariat de les Illes Balears i l'àrea de Benestar Social del Consell de Formentera per fomentar el voluntariat a l'illa. En la primera d'elles, una jornada informativa, varen participar onze persones de sis entitats de l'illa; i en la jornada de formació de dissabte varen assistir prop de vint persones. Des de l'àrea de Benestar Social, es valora de manera "molt positiva" la celebració d'aquesta iniciativa per "l'alta participació i el contingut molt útil" de la formació.

29 de novembre de 2021
Àrea de Comunicació
Consell de Formentera

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