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Areas Social action Youth

Casal de Joves unveils May activities programme

The Office of Youth of the Consell de Formentera is pleased to announce the activities organised at the Casal de Joves during the month of May. Tomorrow, 3 May, the youth drop-in centre programme begins with a film screening. In fact, on Sunday 24 May there will also be another evening of sofa, movies and popcorn with a theme chosen by Casal youth.

Vanessa Parellada, youth councillor, said that the young people at the Casal will make a mural with Formentera Film Festival on 16 May. "With this great activity, FFF will introduce young people to the world of audiovisuals and make them active participants", said Parellada.

From 6.30pm, Ricardo Cavolo, creator of the FFF 2023 illustration, will make a mural outside the Casal de Joves and a video of the creative process will be made too. Plus there will be music from Baby Milo - DJ Set and, from 9.00pm, the event will continue with a screening of the official youth session and selection of the winning short film.

Another standout feature of the programme is a bike ride and picnic on 27 May. Other proposals include an evening of art, a jump rope tournament, yoga, a sticker workshop, the "hand and foot" game, preparing strawberries and cream, a spin art game and acrobatics workshop.

2 May 2023
Office of Communication
Consell de Formentera

cartell 2023v cdj programacio

Participatory Council of Children and Youth of Formentera meets for final plenary session of legislature

foto 2023iv ple infanciaThis morning the second and final session of the 2022-2023 Participatory Council of Children and Youth (PCCY) was held. The meeting was chaired by Ana Juan and co-chaired by Vanessa Parellada, president and youth councillor, respectively, of the Consell de Formentera. Other participants included representatives of the three public schools on the island, CEIP el Pilar de la Mola, CEIP Sant Ferran and CEIP Mestre Lluís Andreu, as well as representatives of IES Marc Ferrer, which are part of the same body.

The president welcomed PCCY members to the assembly and thanked them for their participation throughout this legislature. For her part, Vanessa Parellada took stock of proposals realized and those that are pending.

As always, children and young people asked for improvements in sports and educational facilities and parks, which the officials committed to study, report to the appropriate administrations, namely the regional ministry of education, and implement them if feasible. They also asked about issues related to health, mobility and family welfare.

26 April 2023
Office of Communication
Consell de Formentera

Consell de Formentera publishes print edition of work on local toponymy

foto 2023iv toponimaThe Language Advisory Service of the Consell de Formentera is pleased to announce that, together with the Onomastics Society and in collaboration with the Onomastics Office of the Institut d'Estudis Catalans, it has published a physical edition of La toponímia de Formentera, a work by philologists Vicent Ferrer i Mayans and Enric Ribes i Marí.

In nearly 900 pages, this work brings together the toponyms and microtoponyms of the island, which, until now, were collected in scattered or even unpublished publications. The work also presents a toponymic map allowing readers to explore nooks, points, caves, passes, hills and roads of the island's interior and coast, name by name.

"This work will help us visualise our linguistic and toponymic heritage and allow us to preserve it and pass it on", said Raquel Guasch, heritage and language policy councillor.

The work, which will go on sale today, will be presented on 1 May in the Consell de Formentera plenary hall as part of the 49th Onomastics Society Colloquium. Colloquium attendees will also enjoy various communications concerning local toponymy.

20 April 2023
Office of Communication
Consell de Formentera

Formentera Film Fest organises film workshop for island youth, directed by Pilar Aldea

The Office of Culture and Office of Youth of the Consell de Formentera are pleased to announce that 25 April to 1 May, Pilar Aldea will lead a free film workshop for local 12- to 18-year-olds as part of Formentera Film Fest. Interested parties can register at the Casal de Joves or by sending an email to monica@formenterafilm.com.

At "LET'S MAKE A SHORT" (FEIM UN CURT), young people will use new technologies to make short films like, as organisers put it, the "films of yesterday", covering pre-production, production, post-production and screening. The objective is to guide participants in the footsteps of grand masters of early cinema like Segundo de Chomón (1871-1929), Alice Guy Blaché (1873-1968), Charlie Chaplin (1889-1977) and Buster Keaton (1895-1966), using current tools such as digital cameras, video stabilisers (cymbals), LED lights, key colour tools (chroma keys) and computer editing programmes.

16 May the results will be screened outdoors the Casal de Joves courtyard.

20 April 2023
Office of Communication
Consell de Formentera

cartell 2023iv film

Consell presents summer sports and leisure offer for Formentera children and youth

Today the Office of Sports and Office of Youth of the Consell de Formentera presented the activities offered for local children and youth during the summer holiday. The Consell has put together a document covering the entire offer of the Summer School (Escola d'Estiu), sports clubs and other entities so that the public can find all the information in one place.

Vanessa Parellada, youth affairs councillor, hopes that "giving families all the information now will mean they can organise themselves in advance", adding, "The subject of the summer activities is crucial, because on our island it is what allows many to reconcile work and family".

Paula Ferrer, sports councillor, highlighted "sports clubs and organisations' effort and commitment to prepare a complete range of activities that children and adolescents can enjoy this summer" and "the joint work between the Office of Sports and Office of Youth to provide solutions to local families".

Summer activities and Escola d'Estiu
Every year, the Escola d'Estiu is organised and offered at Mestre Lluís Andreu and El Pilar de la Mola primary schools and Espai Cultural de Sant Ferran.

In addition, summer sessions at the Basketball Club will include functional training and swimming lessons; the Tennis Club will hold training and practices at the Tennis School; both Club Cosmitos, the football camp of SD Formentera, and the Sailing School, will hold practices; Es Roco will offer climbing lessons, and dance, theatre, percussion and creativity camps will be held as well.

Registration for most of these offers opens 2 May.

Job offers
Until 4 May the Consell will seek to fill 26 openings for youth activity leaders, three for activity centre directors and four for special needs assistants at the Escola d'Estiu.

Complete details on the offer and registration is available on the Convoca platform, which the Consell de Formentera has created to make the process easier and more intuitive.

This new space will be used for all future job postings by the Consell de Formentera. The listing can be viewed here and at www.conselldeformentera.cat.

17 April 2023
Office of Communication
Consell de Formentera

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