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Culture and Historical heritage

Saint Cecilia's Day concert in Sant Francesc church

The Formentera Office of Education and Culture is pleased to announce that at 8.00pm on 26 November in the Sant Francesc church, the School of Music and Dance of Formentera will present a concert for the feast day of Saint Cecilia. Admission is free.

Upwards of fifty students will participate in this celebration with a varied programme encompassing African, traditional and sacred music. Various groups of the school will perform, including the polyphonic and children's choirs and the municipal band.

16 November 2022
Communications Office
Consell de Formentera

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'The Return of the Story Lord' at Punt de Lectura in Sant Ferran

The Formentera Office of Culture is pleased to report that the Reading Spot (Punt de Lectura), located at the Espai Cultural de Sant Ferran, has scheduled the story time El retorn del senyor dels contes ('The Return of the Story Lord') next Wednesday 16 November at 5.00pm.

The "Story Lord" is a Balearic bookseller – born on Mallorca, with family from Menorca, and currently living between Eivissa and Formentera. And so it is that the character recounts the fables of the hunchback and fairies of Eivissa; Catalineta and Catalinota of Menorca; Vit of Mallorca, and Xomeuel·lo of Formentera. "Packed with value and tradition, these stories encapsulate the popular culture of our islands", explains the storyteller, Lluís Valenciano. El retorn del senyor dels contes is the second part of the El senyor dels contes production. The storytelling session will last 40 minutes and is geared toward four- to nine-year olds. Reservations are not required and admission is free.

Lluís Valenciano Gener has a degree in Dramatic Art (2010) with a speciality in textual interpretation, and holds a master's degree in Advanced Theatre Studies (specialising in directing) and has a long career in acting.

9 November 2022
Communications Office
Consell de Formentera

cartell 2022xi retorn senyor contes

Jordi Soldevila's 'Naufragis i refugis' settles into 'Ajuntament Vell'

The Formentera Office of Culture is pleased to report that at 6.00pm on Monday 7 November, Jordi Soldevila will pull back the curtain on "Naufragis i refugis".

The exhibition offers a medley of the artist's projects, including paintings incorporating varnish and acrylic on paper. In "Naufragis", the artist reflects on the two-sided reality of the maritime coast: "Unfortunately in recent years we've grown used to seeing people lose their lives and dreams between the sea and the sand of our shores. And yet, a morning walk on our beaches after a stormy winter day is also a gift and boon for the imagination". Anonymous and eclectic, these "fragiums" are the protagonists of the pictorial compositions that make up "Naufragis".

The "Refugis" of part two refers to places of shelter from danger or adverse circumstances and, according to Soldevila, "the counterpoint to the most devastating aspect of shipwrecks". The artist presents a series that is inspired by the simple and characteristic structures of boats of the Formentera coast. "Though built with fragments of wood and other materials that are anonymous and simple, they represent the will to protect and welcome", he says.

Painting technique
In crafting his pieces, Soldevila employs an experimental technique involving synthetic varnish as a base element on paper, a methodology borne of a process of constant study. Soldevila magnifies and enhances marks on the varnish by applying acrylic paint with a sponge, emulating the effects of engraving and lithography. Finally, he complements each piece with small paper and cardboard elements glued directly onto varnish.

Jordi Soldevila Segura was born in Manresa, holds a degree in fine arts and is a designer by profession. He has visited Formentera for fifteen years, considers himself a lover of Es Caló and likes to discover corners of the island that are not too crowded.

"Naufragis i Refugis" opens Monday 7 November at 6.00pm and can be visited at the Sala d'Exposicions "Ajuntament Vell" until 19 November. Doors are open 11.00am to 2.00pm and 6.00pm to 8.00pm, Monday to Saturday. The exhibition space is closed Monday mornings, Sundays and holidays.

3 November 2022
Communications Office
Consell de Formentera

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Formentera welcomes "El Plan"

The Formentera Office of Culture is pleased to report that Saturday 12 November at 8.30pm, the Sala de Cultura (Cinema) will host the 18-and-older production El Plan.

Winner of the 2015 Godoff Award for best play on the circuit, El Plan is a black comedy in which the protagonists gradually strip themselves of social masks and push their survival instincts and notions of friendship to the limit.

It is the story of three friends, three colleagues in misery, three ordinary people who do not seem like fictional characters. "You see people like Ramón, Ximo and Andrade every day in the bar near your home, in the elevator or on the bus; they are people no one would notice", affirm members of the theatre troupe. This feature serves a dual function: laughter and identification are sincere and immediate, but the outcome is also more shocking and painful. El Plan surprises, not only with the story it tells, but with the honest and direct way Ignacio Vidal tells it. "We find humour in the internal drama of the three acidic and corrosive characters, and the most surprising thing about the show is its formal perfection, where it seems that nothing important happens, but everything advances inexorably until the end... And, when we are perplexed and overwhelmed by this ending, we realise that nothing of what we have been told has been casual", explains the director. El Plan is, above all, a profound reflection on friendship.

Tickets are available at www.entradesformentera.cat for €7. Unemployed people and under-employed freelancers, retirees, under-25s, people with functional diversity, single-parent families and large families pay half price.

4 November 2022
Communications Office
Consell de Formentera

cartell 2022xi el plan

Formentera hosts Teatre per a la Memòria on Civil War and repression under Franco

Next month Formentera will host three productions from Teatre per a la Memòria, a series organised by the Balearic government in collaboration with the Office of Heritage of the Consell de Formentera.

The first performance will take place at 7.00pm Saturday 29 October, in the Sala de Cultura (Cinema). Coinciding with the Day of Remembrance, L'Alicorn Theatre will present 'Fragments a Mallorca durant la Guerra Civil', in which the story comes to life through the Civil War memories of wounded women. The text is built around a succession of stand-alone stories united in tragedy, and each character relates the events in which he or she was the protagonist.

At 12 noon on 13 November, Noctàmbuls Theatre will perform 'Les cançons perdudes' for the crowd at the Jardí de ses Eres. Written by Jaume Miró and directed by Joan Fullana, the documentary play is also a collective work of creation in which the actors took an active role.

The third and last performance will start at 8.00pm, 28 November, in the Casa del Poble de la Mola. In addition to a narration of Federico García Lorca's last night on earth, before the artist was gunned down for his "modern" ideas, Òrbita Productions' 'Amarg' narrates the story of all those who have been repressed, persecuted or tortured for their beliefs and of individuals, ahead of their time, who decided to live free and paid dearly for it.

All shows are free of charge, with invitations available for download at Ticketib.com.

25 October 2022
Communications Office
Consell de Formentera

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