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Regulació Estany des Peix


First steps to develop third strategic plan for Formentera children and youth

foto 2022xi pla joventutThe Formentera Office of Youth Affairs reports that work has begun to develop the third strategic plan for Formentera children and young people. This Plan will benefit from the participation of local youth, organisations and social actors from a wide array of spheres related to children and youth.

Today, managers in departments of the local administration which deal with youth met with representatives of the Pere Tarrés Foundation, a non-profit focused on leisure and social action. A later meeting included representatives of the island's associations. In the days ahead additional meetings will be held with other entities, while still other encounters will be organised exclusively for young people.

In the words of Vanessa Parellada, "these meetings will give us an up-to-date read of the situation of local children and youth, which will allow us to determine which needs are best covered, outcomes of the second Plan for Children and Youth and the direction and scope of the third plan".

The second Plan was adopted in September 2018 and related proposals were to be developed between 2018 and 2022.

21 November 2022
Communications Office
Consell de Formentera

Formentera's new haemodialysis service launches today

foto 2022xi dialisi BWork on new emergency response base to conclude in one year

Today Ana Juan, president of the Consell de Formentera, and Francina Armengol, president of the Balearic Government, together with Patricia Gómez, regional minister of health and consumer affairs, visited Formentera's newly launched haemodialysis service. Alejandra Ferrer, vice president, was on hand as well, along with local cabinet councillors and Formentera's provincial councillor Antonio J. Sanz.

This new service occupies 50 square meters in the Formentera Hospital, where four dialysis stations and a new water plant have been installed. The regional government has invested roughly €600,000 in the service roll-out, with two-thirds of the sum going to purchase technical equipment and the rest covering recruitment of equipment operators.

To activate the service, the district health authority (Àrea de Salut) of Eivissa and Formentera hired an expert nephrologist, which brought the total number of nephrologist department specialists to five, then dispatched one of them to Formentera to oversee haemodialysis there. The service roll-out will mean Formentera's three current dialysis patients need no longer travel to Can Misses Hospital for treatment, saving the Formentera residents approximately one thousand trips per year.

Ana Juan: "Delivering on long-standing demands"
President Juan said the hemodialysis service and new 061 base made good on "two historical local demands": "This demonstrates that we continue to meet objectives and commitments". Juan described the two services as "essential" and said they "strengthen public health on the island and, in the case of haemodialysis, will save Formentera residents from having to travel to Eivissa for treatment".

€2.8-million emergency response base
The officials also sat for a presentation of Formentera's new operational base of the Emergency Medical Service (SAMU061). The SAMU061 launch came after the Governing Council approved the works contract for an estimated €2,771,290.89 and once the Technical Supervision Office of the district health authority OK'd the project.

The Balearic government has started work on the base in parallel with the unprecedented local roll-out of permanent haemodialysis service. Until last year, Formentera had an advanced life support ambulance in summer and a basic life support ambulance year round. Since September, 061 reinforcements, including the advanced life support ambulance, have been maintained to meet the needs of the local population.

Construction began in early November, with the new base, which will be located next to Formentera Hospital, expected to be operational by late 2023.

Plans for the project were designed by a team including David Bravo and Toni Abril in the architectural office of the district health authority. Bravo and Abril used a model to present the project to visitors.

During the visit, attendees commemorated the start of works by burying a time capsule containing mementos of significant events at Formentera Hospital.

The newly created 890-m2 base will be divided into two internally connected floors. The ground floor will occupy 605 m2, while the first floor (285 m2) will be flanked by a four-vehicle capacity parking area for ambulances.

The new facility will have three on-site resources:

Basic Life Support Unit
Advanced Life Support Unit
Non-emergency Medical Transport Unit

Human resources challenges dictate that the five on-site professionals will be in transit, with possibility of staff expansion.

21 November 2022
Communications Office
Consell de Formentera

Formentera pupils participate in 11th Children's Parliament of Balearic Islands

foto 2022xi parlament infantilThe Formentera Office of Youth Affairs is pleased to report that three local pupils took part in the eleventh session of the Children's Parliament of the Balearic Islands held today. Vanessa Parellada, councillor of youth affairs, also attended the session, where the central theme was mental health.

Participants to Mallorca to present their proposals on behalf of the children and youth of Formentera and to discuss, together with young people from across the region, the importance of mental health in children and adolescents.

Video of the session: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-kpKRayY7vU

These activities are included in Formentera's programme of events commemorating International Children's Day.

18 November 2022
Communications Office
Consell de Formentera

cartell 2022xi mes infancia

Rafel Bisquerra tackles emotional education at Thursday's instalment of 'Talks for Families and Teachers'

Rafel Bisquerra tackles emotional education at Thursday's instalment of 'Talks for Families and Teachers'

This Thursday 24 November at 5.00pm in the Consell de Formentera auditorium (Sala de Plens), Rafel Bisquerra, educator, psychologist and doctor of educational sciences, will offer a talk titled "Emotional Education: from theory to practice". The event is part of Talks for Families and Teachers (Xerrades per a families i docents), a lecture series organised by the Formentera Office of Social Welfare.

All sessions are open to the public, and childcare is available. Interested parties can reserve their seat by emailing educaciosocial@conselldeformentera.cat or by calling 971 321 271.

21 November 2022
Communications Office
Consell de Formentera

cartell 2022xi xerrades

Participatory event to promote comprehensive plans for elderly and people with functional diversity

The Formentera Office of Social Welfare (Conselleria de Benestar Social, CBS) is pleased to report that Monday 21 November, the Consell de Formentera auditorium will be the scene of a participatory event on two CBS-backed projects: the Comprehensive Plan for the Elderly and Comprehensive Plan for People with Functional Diversity of Formentera.

Rafael Ramírez, councillor of social welfare, encouraged islanders to participate: "These are important plans that will serve as a roadmap in the years ahead for local government's efforts in these areas and at every level". In the words of Ramírez, "this is about designing the Formentera we want for our elders and for people with disabilities".

One part of crafting the plans is a participatory diagnosis, where all stakeholders can give their vision of how Formentera is now and what to do in the future.

Sessions will take place Monday 21 November in the Consell de Formentera auditorium (Sala de Plens). Mornings will be for individuals who will be directly involved and affected by the plans, with afternoons reserved for family members and islanders at large who wish to contribute their vision and experience.

- 9.00am - 11.00am: senior citizens
- 11.00am - 1.00pm: people with functional diversity
- 4.00pm - 5.30pm: families of elderly people
- 5.30pm - 7.00pm: families of people with functional diversity

An additional session on Tuesday 22 November will involve technicians and professionals in these areas to complement the diagnosis.

Individuals interested in participating can phone the Formentera Day Centre: 971 32 16 17.

18 November 2022
Communications Office
Consell de Formentera

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