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Regulació Estany des Peix


Formentera joins Offices of Justice pilot project to "accelerate and expand access to service"

foto 2022xi oficina justiciaToday in Madrid, Ana Juan, president of the Consell de Formentera, attended a presentation concerning Offices of Justice (Oficines de Justicia), a pilot project that Formentera will join which, in the words of President Juan, aims to "streamline, modernise and make the judicial service more accessible to the people of the island".

The presentation was overseen by Pilar Llop, Minister of Justice; Tontxu Rodríguez, Secretary of State for Justice, and Abel Caballero, president of the Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces (FEMP). According to Minister Llop, Oficines de Justicia "arose from the need to make justice simpler, more accessible and efficient".

President Juan took part in a round table discussion with other representatives of local institutions developing the project, where she affirmed, "collaboration between local, regional and state administrations is key to being more agile. On Formentera, where we face an insularity that is twice compounded, the transformation of the Justice of the Peace [Jutjat de Pau] in Oficina de Justicia will improve the service, make it more agile and dynamic and save Formentera residents trips to Eivissa and Palma; I think it is a very exciting project for our island". In the words of the Consell de Formentera president, "a stronger, expanded service consolidates the figure of current Jutjat de Pau clerks and guarantees their content".

Oficines de Justicia will replace Jutjats de Pau, serving the needs of the public and the country's technological reality, while expanding public services on offer in all municipalities.

After the Tarassona Oficina de Justica opens in early November, Formentera's will be the next office to open. The Formentera Oficina de Justicia is being launched in coordination with the Ministry of Justice.

11 November 2022
Communications Office
Consell de Formentera

Formentera tests domestically slaughtered local meat for trichinosis

The Formentera Office of Rural Environment has launched a push to curb trichinosis by testing pig meat from animals which were slaughtered domestically.

Trichinosis is a parasitic disease that can be transmitted to humans through raw or undercooked pork, wild boar and horse meat and sausages such as sobrassada which have not been heat-treated. To avoid it, pork from traditional matances should be tested for trichinae.

Formentera residents who wish to have meat tested have until 30 March 2023 to contact the Formentera Office of Agriculture and Livestock (Centre Antoni Tur "Gabrielet"). The office can be reached via email at veterinari@conselldeformentera.cat or, by phone, at 971 321 087.
Interested parties can receive material and instructions for taking samples and, afterwards, the Consell de Formentera veterinary service will test slaughtered pig meat for trichinosis to ensure its fitness for home consumption. This service is free of charge.

11 November 2022
Communications Office
Consell de Formentera

cartell 2022xi tri

Consell begins steps to stabilise 242 administration posts

The human resources department of the Consell de Formentera is pleased to report that publication in the coming days of a related notice in the Official Bulletin of the Balearic Islands (BOIB) will mark the start of a process to stabilise 242 positions held by civil servants and other personnel across 59 groups and categories of the Consell de Formentera.

This process, as Paula Ferrer, councillor of human resources, put it, "is about ensuring job stability and that these positions become permanent". Councillor Ferrer traced the process to an agreement reached in May as part of negotiations with unions representing employees of local government. The councillor, who praised the involvement of the island's trade unions, said the special offer of employment stemmed from a piece of legislation, Act 20/2021, that involves urgent measures.

Online form, useful guide and info session
To make the process easier, a form is available at the Virtual Citizen Information Office (OVAC). In addition, a help service will be available by appointment at the Citizen Information Office (OAC) to assist people with their application. Interested parties need only fill out a form; no documents are required. Applications must be received twenty working days after the announcement is published in the BOIB. A useful guide will be made available to Consell de Formentera staff and can also be found on the website of the Consell de Formentera.

To highlight the ins and outs of the process, on Friday 11 November, the human resources office has scheduled an info session at the Sala de Cultura (Cinema).

The offer is open to all interested parties, whether or not they are employees of the Consell. It is not exclusive and any individual who meets the requirements may apply. Questions? Want more details? Contact the department of human resources by e-mail at selecciopersonal@conselldeformentera.cat or by phone.

10 November 2022
Communications Office
Consell de Formentera

Consell restores signposting at cairns marking land granted to Marc Ferrer and Antoni Blanc

foto 2022xi fita 1The Formentera Office of Heritage has replaced signage at milestones of the royal graces accorded to Marc Ferrer and Antoni Blanc that had been lost due to exposure to the elements. In total, eleven plaques have been installed at the cairns. In 2005, the then Consell d'Eivissa i Formentera commissioned architect Marià Castelló to oversee the project to identify, signpost and restore the landmarks.

According to Raquel Guasch, councillor of heritage, "the architect designed steel plaques highlighting information about the landmarks. Over time the engravings were eroded, and we have now put them back according to the original design". In the words of the councillor, "we wanted to recover that delimitation, which is part of our history".

In 1695, Ibizan Marc Ferrer de Joan was imprisoned in the Towers of Serrans in Valencia because of a mattering involving the University of Eivissa and Formentera. In compensation, he asked the king for half a league of forest on the then uninhabited island of Formentera. The king granted the request and in 1697 Ferrer took possession of the land in question, delimiting it with the landmarks that the project led by Marià Castelló project restores and signposts.

10 November 2022
Communications Office
Consell de Formentera

'The Return of the Story Lord' at Punt de Lectura in Sant Ferran

The Formentera Office of Culture is pleased to report that the Reading Spot (Punt de Lectura), located at the Espai Cultural de Sant Ferran, has scheduled the story time El retorn del senyor dels contes ('The Return of the Story Lord') next Wednesday 16 November at 5.00pm.

The "Story Lord" is a Balearic bookseller – born on Mallorca, with family from Menorca, and currently living between Eivissa and Formentera. And so it is that the character recounts the fables of the hunchback and fairies of Eivissa; Catalineta and Catalinota of Menorca; Vit of Mallorca, and Xomeuel·lo of Formentera. "Packed with value and tradition, these stories encapsulate the popular culture of our islands", explains the storyteller, Lluís Valenciano. El retorn del senyor dels contes is the second part of the El senyor dels contes production. The storytelling session will last 40 minutes and is geared toward four- to nine-year olds. Reservations are not required and admission is free.

Lluís Valenciano Gener has a degree in Dramatic Art (2010) with a speciality in textual interpretation, and holds a master's degree in Advanced Theatre Studies (specialising in directing) and has a long career in acting.

9 November 2022
Communications Office
Consell de Formentera

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