Homes and businesses in Sant Ferran get monthly, use-based water bills

Telectura formenteraFormentera's Office of Environment has teamed up with Aqualia to announce that from March, and pending final upgrades to a system of smart water metres, bills sent to homes and businesses on Sant Ferran's water grid will not only be issued on a monthly basis, they will now reflect exact consumption.

The system, whose use of telelecturas (lectura means “reading”) means that real-time checks of water metres can be done daily without an agent travelling to the site in question, makes possible remote, automatic readings which are forwarded directly to the Aqualia office. The water metres emit a signal every eight seconds. The information on water use travels to a computer at command central, where another programme is deployed to automatically calculate billing information.

The system provides homes and businesses a clearer picture of their water use and associated costs. Consumers, who now have the option to make monthly payments, are better able to spot things like billing problems, possible leaks and unusually high consumption.

No rate changes will take place as part of the tweak.

Aqualia reminds its customers that an associated app, “Smart aqua”lets them remotely check water use at their home and, likewise, that everyone has the option to receive water bills by email. Customers can opt for e-billing, which has the same validity as a normal bill, by calling 902 18 60 18 or on Aqualia's local web site: