Formentera Council names research grant recipient

Restes arqueologiques epoca bizantina a sant francesc iiThe CiF culture and patrimony departments report that the Formentera Council's yearly contribution to academic research, a grant totalling €6,000, will go to benefit an anthropological study led by Dr Maria Eulàlia Subirà de Galdàcano of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. De Galdàcano's survey of human remains at a Byzantine-era burial site known as sa Tanca Vella also had the support of two additional researchers, Doctors Núria Montes Salas and Diego López Onaindia.

The research team set out to piece together a vision of the lives —the defining characteristics, day-to-day customs and relationships— of the individuals whose remains were found in the necropolis on carrer Metge Vicent Riera in Sant Francesc. The researchers say studying the remains will offer a clearer understanding of the individuals' diets, the diseases they suffered, how they travelled and more precise information about their population group. To do it, biochemical and genetic scans are planned at three different sites: the UAB's anthropological biology unit, Catalunya's Hospital General, and the Für Geowissenschaften institute at Tübingen University in Germany.

From a scientific viewpoint the project is interesting given its potential as a wellspring of insight into life on the island in the sixth and seventh centuries, a period about which scant information is available.

Five researchers submitted grant requests to the Council. After a review based on scientific interest, coherency and methodology as well as researcher résumés, Dr de Galdàcano's study was scored the highest.