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Used oil collection sites multiply across island

Foto recollida oli 1The Formentera Council's environment office announces the addition of three household oil collection bins to the local landscape. With two already installed in la Savina near es Trituradors tower and on a roadside in es Pujols (carrer Punta Prima), a third is in the works in es Caló.

The three units join a stable of seven already installed at sites across the island—the sports pitches of es Cap, the la Mola primary school, carrer Joan Castelló in Sant Ferran, Illes Pitiüses park (la Savina), carrer Espalmador (es Pujols) and at sa Senieta car park and the public-housing building (Sant Francesc). Used oil can also be taken to the island's rubbish drop-off site, la Deixalleria.

The containers are at the core of a compact between the Council and waste management firm Ca na Negreta in which the local administration foots a yearly €9,504 bill to maintain the 600- to 900-litre bins, equipped for drop-off of recipients of up to five litres.

As part of the deal, Ca na Negreta must oversee emptying of filled containers at least once a month. The company will also perform checks (bi-weekly in summer and monthly in winter) to clean the containers and remove any nearby articles which are improperly disposed of.

Environment secretary Daisee Aguilera highlighted the importance of responsible recycling practices, especially when in comes to used oil. “Just one litre of oil can contaminate one million litres of water”, Aguilera pointed out, calling the prospect of unduly binned houshold oils “a serious problem for our sanitation and sewerage infrastructure.”

Collecting used oil at businesses
Companies whose outputs include used vegetable or industrial oils (mechanics or rental car agencies, for example) must turn the waste over to outside organisms which are specially accredited to oversee disposal. Such entities perform on-site pickups since drooff at public collection sites is prohibited for businesses.

Used oil pickup is typically free. Authorised oil-disposal firms must issue a receipt of services rendered, which may be requested in future checks by the arm of government which directs hazardous waste collection, the Govern balear.