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Formentera launches marketplace consultation before renewing waste collection and cleaning contracts

foto-servei-neteja1The Formentera Council's environment department reports that the administration is commissioning a marketplace consultation ahead of the upcoming tender of contracts for urban solid waste and organic matter collection and transport, roadway cleaning and landscaped area and beach maintenance. The current contract ends February 28, 2020.

“The test will be conducted before the service goes to tender so we can make sure we're getting the best technical solutions for Formentera's particular situation”, said CiF environment chief Daisee Aguilera. The move, said the councillor, is about “ensuring we pick the service provider who can offer us the most”, which is why the administration is teeing up a series of questions for firms that specialise in the domain.

Collection systems
Companies that submit proposals for collection systems will have to meet the recycling goals outlined in the island's waste directive, not to mention make accommodations for the local land strategy—the Pla Territorial Insular—over the eight years (renewable for another two) the contact is valid.

Proposals must also be attuned to regional legislation on contaminated wastes and soils, and bidders will have to present financially viable proposals that include environmentally sound machinery and vehicles which align with Formentera's sustainable mobility strategy.

The proposal, adopted by government committee on April 5 and published on the national public tender platform, can be viewed at https://contrataciondelestado.es/wps/wcm/connect/f58063f1-b0c3-4c3a-b417-c4b4905fe6c2/DOC201904091221212_Cert+Acord+Prop+Consultes+Preliminars+del+Mercat.pdf?MOD=AJPERES

Interested firms have until April 29 to submit their bids.

Highlighting the fragility of the island and the importance of preservation, councillor Aguilera said priority would be given to sustainability and firms that factor for Formentera's limited water resources by using reclaimed water and take appropriate precautions to protect resources like Posidonia oceanica in their beach cleanup plans.

April 17, 2019
Àrea de Comunicació
Formentera Council