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Sneak peek at small business group's training courses

Foto presentacio pimefAt 11.30am this morning in the hall of ceremonies of Formentera Council's central office, the small and medium-sized business association of Eivissa and Formentera, or PIMEF, hosted a presentation on a series of training courses soon to be offered by the group. Pep Mayans and Lidia Álvarez, PIMEF's chairman and director, were joined at the event by Alejandra Ferrer, trade secretary for the Formentera Council, which is partnering with PIMEF to put on the training.

Eight courses, offered at PIMEF's office from October 24 to November 6 and subsidised by the Formentera Council, are free and open to the public. The classes are part of a partnership between PIMEF and the Council on business training and consulting.

24/10    Assistència sanitària immediata (“First-response patient care”). 4.30pm to 8.30pm. Pimef office
26/10    Parlar de convèncer (“Talk about conviction”). Coach Brigitte Bobet. 6.00pm to 8.00pm. Pimef office
31/10    Control i aprofitament de matèries primeres en cuina (“Tracking and maximising products in the kitchen”). 4.30pm to 8.30pm. Pimef office
2/11    Disseny d'ofertes gastronòmiques (“Designing a gastro experience”). 4.30pm to 8.30pm. Pimef office
6/11    Higiene Postural en perruqueria i estètica (“Good posture for beauty specialists”). 5.00pm to 9.00pm. Pimef Office
9/11    Burnout. Pràctiques MINDFULNESS per l'estrès laboral (“Using mindfulness to tackle work-related stress”). 4.30pm to 8.30pm. Pimef office
14/11    Community Manager. 4.00pm to 8.00pm. Pimef Office
16/11    Aparadorisme (“Window dressing”). 4.00pm to 8.00pm. Pimef office

To register, contact the Pimef by phone at 971322520 or send an email to info@pimef.es.