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Council and PIMEF agree to extend partnership

Pimef 2018CiF chief Jaume Ferrer and Pep Mayans, chairman of the island's league of small and medium-sized businesses, struck a deal for training, business consulting and coordination with the Council's trade department on campaigns to help small-business owners give a boost to competitiveness, innovation, design, quality, promotion and employee development.

The deal enshrines the administration's €22,000 pledge to the PIMEF (Petita i Mitjana Empresa de Formentera) for projects giving local business owners tools to recalibrate strategy and remain adaptive and dynamic.

The PIMEF will host an educational series during quiet periods of the 2018 calendar, a reflection of the group's  goal of reaching an ever broader range of participants. Classes will explore hiring strategies, internet sales, photography, marketing, communication and social skills. Consultancy will also be provided to islanders interested in creating their own business as well as local proprietors of enterprises already in place, on topics such as preventing workplace risks.

The arrangement would see the PIMEF chair collaborating with various arms of the Council—the trade department (to design campaigns in the style of Compra a Casa), the conselleria for culture (on research into cultural patronage), the office of tourism (on management and content upgrades to the Formentera 365 app). It would also extend to promotion of Save Posidonia Project, reaching out to owners of local businesses, restaurants and service-oriented enterprises for the door-to-door initiative.