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Formentera unveils autumn and winter catalogue of courses and workshops for adults

The Formentera Offices of Culture and Education are pleased to present the offer of courses and workshops for adults in autumn and winter. In the words of Councillor of Education and Culture Susana Labrador, “The goal is to offer a wide variety to satisfy islanders’ demand for training and leisure options”.

First off, two classics —creation and painting by Teresa Matilla and woodcarving by Aaron Keydar— are back. Teresa Matilla’s “artistic classroom” supplies students with knowledge of a range of painting techniques and foments creativity, personal growth and emotion. The evening workshop will take place from November to March. Aaron Keydar, for his part, has taught his woodcarving clinic since 2014, and this year it will be held on Tuesday and Friday evenings from November to March.

Both courses will be held in Sant Ferran’s new Espai Cultural.

José Antonio Arribas’s digital photography course for beginners will also return in 2021. Offering a total of 12 hours of instruction, the course runs from 22 November to 2 December. Classes will be both theory-based and hands-on, giving students the chance to learn various photographic techniques inside and outside the classroom. The course is designed for anyone who wants to get the most out of their reflex camera or work in depth with an array of photographic disciplines.

The photography course will be held at the Marià Villangómez library.

Early enrolment
Early enrolment (preinscripcions) can be completed at the Citizen Information Office (OAC), or online on the OVAC from 1 October. Retired people and young people under 25 get a 30% discount on tuition.

28 September 2021
Communications Office
Consell de Formentera


cartell 2021 cursos