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Regulació Estany des Peix
Press Room Newspaper library Environment Formentera asks Govern Balear for a fair solution to problem of waste transfer to Eivissa

Formentera asks Govern Balear for a fair solution to problem of waste transfer to Eivissa

residus webThe Contentious Administrative Court of Palma de Mallorca has ruled in favour of the concession-holding company for waste-collection services in Formentera, UTE-Giref, with respect to the suit the company had previously filed. UTE-Giref contended that the Formentera Island Council owed it interest accumulated during delays in the payment of waste-transfer services from Formentera to the Ca Na Putxa landfill.

The Formentera Council wishes to manifest its respect for the Palma court's decision, despite its disagreement with the ruling itself. That Formentera must assume the cost overrun incurred in the process of waste-transfer to Eivissa is discriminatory.

Due to the large debt that the Govern Balear holds with the Formentera Council, our island's local administration lacks the economic command necessary to assuming these costs.

As established by the Estatut d'Autonomia de les Illes Balears (Balearic Islands Statutes of Autonomy), it is the responsibility of the autonomous community to guarantee the same rights to every resident in the Balearic Islands. Thus, it must be the work of the Balearic regional government to oversee a mediative process between the two islands and to correctly apply the Sectorial Plan for Waste Management. Otherwise, Formentera will continue to be the only party to suffer the consequences of the island's double (and often triple) isolation.

Thus, the Council of Formentera requests that the Govern Balear's delegate to Formentera – José Manuel Alcaraz – support our local council in its plea and demand that the autonomous government oversee a fair solution to the problem at hand, if, as Alcaraz has indicated on various occasions, Formentera is indeed that delegate's priority.

The legal services of the Formentera Council are currently studying the ruling, and within the next several days they will determine the judicial steps with which to proceed. Nevertheless, the Council will do everything in its power to ensure that these basic services have a fixed cost on each of the four Balearic islands and that inequalities do not exist. Otherwise, as is the case with waste collection or the cost of water, residents of Formentera are clearly marginalized with respect to the rest of their Balearic counterparts.


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