The Formentera Island Council's Office of Culture and Local Patrimony presented today the programme of events that will guide the fourth annual Jornades d'estudis locals Joan Marí Cardona, a conference series devoted to fieldwork studies that focus specifically on Formentera's cultural heritage. The cycle of talks, which revolves around locally-based research studies, has been well-received since its inception.
The Joan Marí Cardona 'Days of Local Study' will take place 10 to 14 March and have two clearly distinct components, the first of which are the conferences themselves. The talks are all led by specialists in the field and contemplate a determined set of topics. They are also all related as a matter of course to the cultural patrimony of Formentera. The second component of the Cardona series is the publication it generates: an annual scientific journal that serves to collect and compile articles based on the conferences. It is the hope of those charged with the journal's compilation that the publication become a reference for investigative work on the island. Currently the second and third editions of the journal are in the final stages awaiting publication.
The selection of contributing researchers at the Cardona conferences is merit-based and contributors are, as a rule, all tried and true investigative researchers either overseeing Formentera-based studies at the moment or they have published work already, and thus are of acute interest for programme organisers.
The cycle of conferences focuses chiefly on the humanities: history and archaeology, anthropology, linguistics and the arts. Nevertheless, the possibility remains that a study in natural and technical sciences form the basis of a conference, the one condition being that the subject matter consider Formentera.
Since 2011 the Formentera Island Council has organised the Joan Marí Cardona conference series as a yearly opportunity to turn our collective attention toward field research on our island's own local heritage.
The series is named in recognition of the excellent investigative work of canon archiver Joan Marí Cardona, a champion of local history.
Law 6/1994 [13 December] regards the attribution of legal authority on matters of historical heritage; the promotion of social and cultural affairs; public representations of culture and society; and the deposit of duty copies of books according to copyright law. Components of this law are upheld by both the Formentera Island Council constitution as well as precise stipulations on preserving and promoting local patrimony made at the moment powers were transferred to the local Formentera administration in January 2008. Article 1 of Law 12/1998 [21 December] on Balearic Islands historical patrimony establishes its object as “the protection, conservation, enrichment, development, investigation and publication of Balearic Islands historical patrimony,” and this, in order that that same patrimony “be enjoyed by citizens of the Balearic community and retransmitted – in improved conditions – to future generations(...)”
IV Jornades d’Estudis Locals Joan Marí Cardona
from 10 to 14 March 2014
Monday 10
Can Blai: un fortí baiximperial de vigilància costanera a la Mediterrània occidental. Resultats de les excavacions de 2013
(Can Blai: a lower-imperial, coastal fort in the Western Mediterranean. Results of 2013 excavations)
Dr. Ricardo González Villaescusa. Senior lecturer of Ancient History and Archaeology at the Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis; co-director of the archaeological research project “Can Blai: un fortín bajoimperial de vigilancia costera del Mediterráneo occidental,” the first portion of which was carried out in 2013.
Tuesday 11
El faro de la Mola: historia y singularidades
(The lighthouse of La Mola: history and peculiarities)
Dr. Javier Pérez de Arévalo, final keeper of the La Mola lighthouse and author of the doctoral thesis Los faros de las islas Baleares durante los conflictos bélicos contemporáneos, defended at the Universitat de les Illes Balears in July 2012.
Wednesday 12
Situación política y socioeconómica de Formentera en la Segunda República
(Political and socioeconomic situation of Formentera during the Second Republic)
Dr. Antonio José Viñarás Domingo, author of the thesis Eivissa y Formentera, 1931-1936: sociedad, economy, elections and political power, defended at the Universitat de les Illes Balears in June 2013.
Thursday 13
L’ofici de carreter a les Pitiüses
(The cartwright profession in the Pitiüsa Islands)
Fina Ribas Ribas, bachelor's in Humanities and in Social and Cultural Anthropology, author of the publication Carros i carreters d'Eivissa: feina i festa (2013), participant in investigations currently underway that partially contemplate the island of Formentera.
Friday 14
De la transcendència psicològica dels canvis culturals als perquès d'una recerca amb la Gent Gran de Formentera
(From the psychological transcendence of cultural changes to explanations regarding investigative research on the elderly population of Formentera)
Dr. Josep M. Garcia-Borés i Espí, professor titular of Social Psychology at the Universitat de Barcelona, beneficiary of a 2012 research grant of the Formentera Island Council for the project De qui venim: anàlisi psicocultural de la gent gran de Formentera (Who do we come from: psychocultural analysis of Formentera's aged population)
Urbanism and territory, Tourism and Economic activities
Urbanism and Territory planning
Infrastructures and services
Tourism planning and Economic activities