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Regulació Estany des Peix
Press Room Newspaper library Social welfare Three students of IES Marc Ferrer successfully complete alternative programmes of study

Three students of IES Marc Ferrer successfully complete alternative programmes of study

piseThe Formentera Council, by way of councillor of Social Welfare Dolores Fernández, and the office's social worker, Marilina Bonet, have delivered three diplomas certifying completion of different alternative education programmes. The programmes are designed to keep those students who have become demotivated or feel unfit for studies from dropping out of school.

The object of these programmes is to “combat demotivation and hasty drop-out from educational programmes. Our goal is to beat scholastic failure whatever it takes,” stated councilor Fernández.

The programmes are conceived for youth aged 14 to 16 and combine classroom learning – language, Maths and social skills – with an apprenticeship at a local business of interest to the student.

The programmes are PISE (Programa de Prevenció i Intervenció Socioescolar), a programme of the Department of Education of the Govern Balear to which the Formentera Council has the authority to allow five island students entry, and ALTER, a socioeducational programme for youth at risk of exclusion. Also under the umbrella of the Govern Balear, ALTER is offered by the Department of Family and Social Services and has three places available for Formentera residents.

Two of the day's diplomas were for students of PISE. Mohamed Kaikai completed his work practice at the SEAT company's Formentera location, studying vehicle body work and painting and earning a mark of 8/10. Vanessa Paz completed the programme as an early-childhood assistant at the nursery school L'Escoleta La Miranda, also earning 8/10.

The other Formentera student to receive a diploma was Cristian Laverde, completing his internship at the Can Rita auto garage, receiving a mark of 6/10.

Councillor Fernández showed appreciation for what she called “the social responsability of the companies involved and for the work of employees of the Formentera Council and the Marc Ferrer Secondary School.” Councillor Fernández, speaking to the two pupils who picked up their diplomas today – Laverde received his last Tuesday in Eivissa, also accompanied by Fernández – urged them: “Be aware of everything you're capable of; everything you've worked so hard to prepare for.”


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