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Regulació Estany des Peix
Press Room Newspaper library Social welfare Office of social welfare gives €28,000 in backing to four socially-conscious associative projects

Office of social welfare gives €28,000 in backing to four socially-conscious associative projects

autisme1The Formentera Council, by way of councillor of social welfare Dolores Fernández Tamargo, has announced a series of assistance packages slated for social action projects organised by local non-profit associations and private entities.

In total, the Council has earmarked €28,319 in aid, which will be distributed to four different projects according to evaluation criteria established by a special advisory committee.

Of the total amount, €14,000 will be used to finance a project of the Association of Persons with Special Needs of Eivissa and Formentera (APNEEF) entitled “Rehabilitation and Prevention for Youth with Special Needs in Formentera”.

The APNEED programme provides one-on-one attention for special needs students at the Mestre Lluís Andreu Primary School of Sant Francesc. The service, available once a week, is intended as a way to increase personal autonomy and work towards more normative educational development.

Another project to receive funding is “Therapeutical Workshops”, organised by the Pau Mayans Association and conceived as a way to facilitate integration for individuals with autism spectrum disorders. The Formentera-based association will receive €11,897 to use toward their programme of after-school workshops.

Therapeutic in nature, the workshops are directed at children with special educational needs and aged between 3 and 14. They aim to complement basic education and provide Formentera families with some of the rehabilitative and therapeutic techniques that currently exist.

A third project financed by the Office of Social Welfare is entitled “Training Seminars and VII Pitiüsa Conference on Mental Health: Lifelong Psychotherapy” and organised by the Eivissa/Formentera Association for Teaching and Research on Mental Health (ADISAMEF). This project will receive financial backing in the amount of €1,500.

The seminars are directed at paediatricians, psychiatrists, doctors, psychologists, registered nurses, clinical assistants, school teachers, social workers and anyone else interested in taking part in reflection on different mental health issues.

The fourth and final project to receive funding (€927) is “Therapeutic Gymnastics”, a programme of FIBROMIALGIA, a local association dedicated to raising awareness about multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS), chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), fibromyalgia and other disorders. The goal of the programme is to provide individual and group sessions focusing on relaxation, gymnastic flexibility and techniques to manage the pains suffered by individuals with chronic fatigue.


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