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Regulació Estany des Peix
Press Room Newspaper library Culture and Historical heritage All Saints' holiday weekend of fantasy cinema

All Saints' holiday weekend of fantasy cinema

marato terrorOn 31 October and the first of November, overlapping with the All Saints' Day holiday, the municipal cinema will host the sixth annual Marathon of Fantasy and Terror Films, an event organised by the Formentera Council office of culture and the Metälstasis Metal Radio Show.

This year's marathon focuses its attention on Japan and the country's contribution -including through animation- to the genres of fantasy and terror. Japanese fantasy and terror cinema has often been lauded not only for its high quality standard, but also for its treatment of distinctly homegrown subject matter, an element that has set it apart from more standard commercial fare in the two genres.

Unlike years past when the Fantasy and Terror Marathon had just one evening to get through its long list of films, this year's engagement will stretch out over two days. Friday, the 31st, fantasy fans will be able to take in two different animated features -at 4:30 pm, Ponyo (Hayao Miyazaki) and at seven o' clock The Girl who Leapt through Time (Mamoru Hosoda)- both at the altogether affordable price of 1.50€.

On 1 November, the ticket price per film rises to 2€ and cinema-goers are offered a triple feature. The second day of the marathon gets underway at six in the evening with Nausicäa of the Valley of the Wind (Hayao Miyazaki). Next comes Dark Water (Hideo Nakata) at eight and -closing out the film fest- The Grudge (Takashi Shimizu) at ten. 


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