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Regulació Estany des Peix
Press Room Newspaper library Social welfare Formentera and UNICEF join forces, go to bat for youth

Formentera and UNICEF join forces, go to bat for youth

firma unicefThe Formentera Council, represented by social welfare councillor Dolores Tamargo, and UNICEF, with the representation of the group's Balearic chapter president Raquel Pérez Rodríguez, met today to sign the accords that define their joint commitment to youth and which have resulted in Formentera's designation as a 'Child-friendly city'.

The agreement, valid for the next four years, calls for the revisiting of a document known as the Pla estratègic local de la infància i la joventut ('Local action plan for early-childhood and youth') next year. The plan was ratified as part of the Formentera Council's February plenary session and outlines 37 different activities intended to ensure respect for minors and promote their education and participation in local affairs. The majority of the initiatives have already been set in motion, which is why Formentera was awarded the UNICEF distinction.

Thanks to the list of initiatives and FiC-UNICEF accord, Formentera can now use the 'Child-friendly city' seal in its communication with the island's youth. The distinction serves to indicate the commitment of the local work groups that authored the initiatives to the UN's Declaration on the Rights of the Child.


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