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Regulació Estany des Peix
Press Room Newspaper library Social welfare Ownership transfer finalised, Council gains control of day centre

Ownership transfer finalised, Council gains control of day centre

cessio centre dia2The Formentera Council henceforth holds the title to the island's day centre. This morning, regional minister of family and social services Sandra Fernández and Formentera's councillor of social welfare, youth services and equality Dolores Fernández met in person to make the transfer official. The two politicians were joined by José Alcaraz, the Govern Balear's envoy on Formentera, and the chief of staff at the centre, Carmel Redondo.

Day-to-day operations at the centre for the elderly and disabled have, up to today's date, been assumed by the Formentera Council. Today's transfer affects the title of the property and facilities themselves, and happens in accordance with law 14/2001 [29 October] concerning the authority of the island councils on matters of social services and social security.

Dolores Fernández said she was glad to see the Council receive legal ownership of a facility over which it had already overseen the administration. The councillor affirmed delays to the building's cession were due to the need to wait out the guarantee periods associated with the originally-constructed building – “to assure that the facilities being received were in proper conditions”.

Sandra Fernández, for her part, offered: “The Govern has complied in every step of the process to transfer ownership of the day centre to the Formentera Council”.

Services at “el centre de dia”, as it is known in Catalan, launched on 26 April 2011. Construction of the centre – which took place on a plot of land ceded by the FiC – was priced at €2,781,000 and funded by social healthcare consortium of the Govern de les Illes Balears. The centre can receive 30 Alzheimer patients, 15 patients with physical disabilities, 15 patients with mental disabilities and a relief unit equipped for four.


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