The Formentera Council's office of culture has recently signed on to the latest round of Platea, a programme of the Ministry of Culture. Through Platea, the Formentera municipal theatre will welcome four theatre and dance productions from April to November.
First on the list is “The grasshopper and the ant”, performed by Xip Xap Teatre and scheduled for 25 April at six in the evening. The second comes 14 June and is one for the island's youngest: a dance production called “Bitels per a bebé” (Beatles for babies – a tribute), brought to Formentera by the Petita Malumaluga company. Then, 3 October, an Extremadura-based company will present “El secuestro de la banquera Suripanta” (The kidnapping of a bankteller hussy). Finally, the Viridiana theatre company from Aragon will finish out the series with a 7 November performance of their “Ligeros de Equipaje” (Light load to carry).
Coucillor of culture Sònia Cardona explained: “The Platea programme is conceived with places like Formentera – with its peculiar geographic situation – in mind. Thanks to the programme, we are able to pay for and invite these companies that we otherwise probably wouldn't have had the chance to. For us, in turn, its meant the possibility to give added value to the island.”
One of the operating pricinples of Platea is to promote works of theatre from other regions in Spain. In fact, shows that are produced by companies within the Balearic autonomous community aren't included in Platea's offering. Cardona instead affirmed that it would be the opportunity to appreciate the work of two Catalan companies (the ones specialists in theatre, the others, dance), one Extremadura- and one Aragon-based company.
Revamped theatre
To better receive the visits of these companies, Sònia Cardona and Formentera Council staff specialist Anna Costa took advantage of the occacion to announce recently-concluded improvements to the dressing rooms of the Council's cultural hall of events, the sala de cultura – also known as the town cinema. The floor space of the sala's back chambers has been increased and the rooms now include showers and boudoir dressers.
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