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Press Room Newspaper library Culture and Historical heritage Marià Villangómez library awaits a visit from Ben Clark

Marià Villangómez library awaits a visit from Ben Clark

ben clarckThe Formentera Council's office of culture is in the midst of organising, for 8pm next Tuesday, 21 April, a literary evening with poet Ben Clark. The encounter will be moderated by Maria Teresa Ferrer and held at the Marià Villangómez library of Sant Francesc.

Clark's will be the second visit of renown that the Marià Villangómez library welcomes this month under the banner of the Sant Jordi day festivities aimed at promoting reading. Earlier this month author Gemma Lienas led a talk at the library entitled “com s'escriu una novel·la” ('how to write a novel').

Maria Teresa Ferrer, a local poet, will assume the task of introducing Clark, but that won't be the only aspect that sets the evening apart. As part of Formentera Film Festival, and inspired by Clark's poetry, year three students of the IES Marc Ferrer secondary school have organised a workshop called VIDEOPOESIA (VIDEOPOETRY).

The poet himself spent several days on the island, during which time he took park in the process of creation and witnessed his work being interpreted by students. On Tuesday, the poetic imagery that the students have created will be presented as well.

Though green of years, Ben Clark has already made a space for himself in literary circles with publications like 'Secrets d'una sargantana' ('Sercrets of a lizard'), 'Hijos de la bonanza' ('Children of the bonanza'), 'Antología Personal' and 'Los últimos perros de Shackleton' ('The last dogs of Shackleton') as well as the recently-lauded 'LA FIERA' ('THE WILD ANIMAL'), recipient of Radio Nacional de España's 2014 El Ojo Crítico poetry award.

Clark has been at the receiving end of a slew of other literary distinctions: the premi Hiperión (2006); the sixth Félix Grande national award for young poetry; the fourth RNE award for young poetry for a book he cowrote with Andrés Catalán and the Ciutat de Palma-Joan Alcover award for poetry (2013). A seasoned trajectory for such a young voice. Clark's work – tackling subjects as urgent and real as love, literature, solitude, death and destruction – is singular, honest, and beckons listeners to turn their eyes and ears toward the society around us.


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