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Press Room Newspaper library Social welfare This Saturday, Formentera kids can cut loose

This Saturday, Formentera kids can cut loose

apneef 230415This morning the APNEEF association (whose acronym in Catalan stands for 'people with special needs in Eivissa and Formentera') announced details regarding a celebration the group will put on this Saturday afternoon at 4:30pm in the Jardí de ses Eres of Sant Francesc.

The hoopla will continue till late, stopping only momentarily at 6pm so residents can head to the municipal theatre to take in a very special performance of The grasshopper and the ant by the Xip Xap theatre group.

Dolores Fernández Tamargo, councillor of social welfare, Cintia Llaquet, psychologist at the Creix centre and APNEEF representatives Ana Galindo and Rosa Tur explained that Saturday's party would be an opportunity to fundraise, get the word out about APNEEF's work and gauge the possibility of extending these services.

Fun and games will start at half past four with a range of different workshops: facepainting, pet rocks, recycling, gardening, inflatable bouncy toys and capoeira. There will be a short break at six for any partygoers interested in taking in that day's theatre production, after which the festivities will continue with magician acts, a refreshments bar and the music of DJ Pharma.

APNEEF provides services in physical therapy, academic tutoring, psychomotricity, psychology and speech therapy to 17 families. The group receives €14,000 in annual funding from the Formentera Council. The representatives of the association expressed their desire to broaden their member base and, in so doing, expand their base of available services to include cognitive stimulation, hydrotherapy, hippotherapy and volunteer training courses.

Saturday afternoon, part of yet-another fundraising effort, this time organised with the collaboration of the Formentera Council office of trade, APNEEF will use space at the Centre Gabrielet to exhibit for sale a selection of artist-donated works.


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971 32 10 87 - Ext: 3181

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