The Formentera Council, together with the four senior centres of the island, have signed a deal that promises funding for workshops and training course programming and maintenance operations at the different locales. In 2015, the retirees' club of Sant Francesc will receive nine thousand euros; the Sant Ferran centre, six thousand five hundred; the La Savina centre, four thousand five hundred and La Mola's senior centre – el Centre de Majors – four thousand.
From the Council, CiF president Jaume Ferrer and councillor of social welfare Dolores Fernández Tamargo were on hand to attend the morning ceremony. Representing the different centres were Margarita Sanchís (Sant Francesc Xavier retirees' club), Carles Tur (Club de Jubilats i Pensionistes de La Savina), Rita Costa (the retirees' club of Sant Ferran) and Jaume Escandell, of the now-one-year-old La Mola centre for the elderly.
Jaume Ferrer wished to thank “the club representatives and their boards for their work bettering the lives of the aged”. Dolores Fernández Tamargo noted that “accords like this one provide autonomy to the elderly. With the right resources, seniors can see to their own personal schedules”.
The representatives expressed their satisfaction with the help received. Margarita Sanchís announced: “The Sant Francesc club recognises what a sacrifice this is and we are grateful”. Standing beside Sanchís, Carlos Tur added that such collaboration was vital and “mustn't ever stop. Today it's us, but tomorrow it will be someone else”. Rita Costa and Jaume Escandell asserted their respective groups would do everything in their power to “offer the absolute best services and activities with this money”.
Of the different gathering places for the aged, the Sant Francesc centre has the most members (663). They are followed by Sant Ferran (268), La Mola (106) and La Savina (90). In total, there are currently more than 1,100 citizens affiliated with Formentera's elderly social centres.
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