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Regulació Estany des Peix
Press Room Newspaper library Environment Periodic quality checks planned for treatment plant drainage waters

Periodic quality checks planned for treatment plant drainage waters

vessament velaDaisee Aguilera, councillor of the environment of the Formentera Council, announced today that the administration is taking steps to begin periodic quality controls on the effluent waters discharged into the sea from the drainage pipe at es Caló de s'Oli.

Department head Aguilera commented: “This week we have had the unpleasant experience of watching abnormal outflows enter into the [Ses Salines] National Park and having to stand by as those in command at Abaqua insisted that everything was in working order”.

As Councillor Aguilera put it: “What we need is a set of objective data, first and foremost to permit swift decision-making, but also because in this way we will be able to push to adopt the measures necessary to put pressure on the entities that run these facilities – namely, the Govern Balear and the Agència Balear de l'Aigua i la Qualitat Ambiental (regional agency overseeing issues of water quality and the environment).

Spillage at the sailing school

Yesterday morning, a stretch of approximately one hundred metres on the Estany des Peix shoreline between the mouth of the lake and the sailing school was gradually invaded by a cloud of dark, extremely oily water. The incident is assumed to be related to the recent failures experienced by the es Caló de s'Oli drainage pipe.

Officials have been forced to close access to the affected zone while the Formentera Council –thanks to the assistance of the Cespa company– oversees cleaning operations in the area. The work is expected to be completed within three hours, during which time crews will have completely cleared the area of any residual waste.


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