At eleven this morning in the plenary hall of the Formentera Council, the Govern Balear's secretary of employment, trade and industry, Iago Negueruela, was joined by CiF president Jaume Ferrer, councillor of land management and tourism Alejandra Ferrer, and director general of occupation and economy, Llorenç Pou, for a presentation of a plan spearheaded by the Palma administration this summer aimed at combating worker exploitation.
Negueruela outlined the plan's repercussions at the local level, which were felt by a total of 148 workers. According to the secretary, «121 workers who previously had temporary employment contracts saw these converted into indefinite arrangements, while another 27 had their workday extended».
The Formentera Council president praised the swiftness of the new regional government in implementing the plan and taking on job insecurity, and noted «the Council has called for just such a plan since 2007, when we took office». He said the plan responds to the demands of business associations like the Pimef and reconfirmed the Council's intent to continue working with the executive branch on the matter. Though Ferrer asserted that the bulk of unqualified professional practise and job insecurity is experienced during the tourist season, «periodic checks in other sectors – like construction – are needed during other parts of the year». The call was well-received by Negueruela, who concurred: «These are checks that need to happen in the winter as well».
Two new programmes
The regional secretary thanked the CiF administration for assisting in the plan's implementation at the local level and announced the roll-out of two additional initiatives: a youth guarantee workshop and another programme, developed specifically for unemployed Formentera residents above 45, «to re-enter the work force with the help of special six-month job contracts». At the end of the morning's press conference, the officials, together with CiF councillor of social welfare and human resources Vanessa Parellada, visited the local job-seekers' office (SOIB).
Urbanism and territory, Tourism and Economic activities
Urbanism and Territory planning
Infrastructures and services
Tourism planning and Economic activities