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The Veterinary Services have a role in controlling the identification, registration, animal health and movement, both in the livestock and companion animals. Also involved in the control of animal welfare and livestock production.
Guidelines for the Slaughter are on Mondays from 9.00 am to 13.00 pm.

Procedures and management:

1. Livestock Holdings Record:

Decree 53/2006 of 16 June, regulating the general registration of farms in the Balearic Islands in the sixth chapter created the registration of livestock farms in the Balearic Islands under Royal Decree 479/2004.
This Royal Decree defines the operations as follows: any installation, construction or, in the case of open-air farm, any place where they are kept or handled or exposed to public production animals as defined in Article 3.2 of Law 8 / 2003 of April 24, animal health, for profit or not. These effects are understood to include the nuclei zoos, slaughterhouses and other places that make the sacrifice of animals, the centers that are carried out bullfights, the premises of traders and assembly centers.
Be recorded in a general register section species with sectoral regulation and general registration species are not regulated sector:
- Bovidae: cattle, buffalo, bison
- Pigs
- Small ruminants: sheep and goats
- Horses: horses, donkeys, burros
- Beekeeping: bees
- Rabbit: Rabbits and hares
- Poultry: chickens, turkeys, guinea fowl, ducks, geese, quails, pigeons, pheasants, quail, ratites
- Species fur: mink, chinchilla, red fox, otter
- Big game hunting species: convertible, deer, deer, wild boar
- Fish: bream, sea bass, salmon, other
- Crustaceans and shellfish: shrimp, mussels, clams, other
- Other species: snails, frogs
Applicants: Owners of livestock enterprises on the island of Formentera.
Application forms are available at the Department of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries of the Consell Insular de Formentera.
Registration: Anyone interested in opening a new operation must complete the application form along with the tab for animal husbandry and the documentation required by the type of exploitation.
Change of ownership of the farm: At the moment there is a change in the operating data, the applicant must complete the application form and submit data exchange with the appropriate documentation.
Low: In the event of the cessation of livestock, the person concerned must complete and submit application for discharge with the appropriate documentation.
The documentation will be presented at the Consell Insular de Formentera.
Applicable regulation:
Livestock Holdings Record:
- Decree 53/2006, which regulates the General Register of Farms in the Balearic Islands. (BOIB 88, 22/06/2006)
- Order of the Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries, June 23, 2006, which develops the decree governing the General Register of Farms in the Balearic Islands. (BOIB 89, 06/24/2006)
- Royal Decree 479/2004 of 26 March, which establishes and regulates the general registration of livestock farms. (BOE 89, 13.4.2004).
Register of sheep and goat farms:
- Decree 43/2006, which regulates the system of identification and registration of bovine animals, sheep and goats in the Balearic Islands. (BOIB 70, 13/05/2006).
- Royal Decree 947/2005 of 29 July, regulating the system of identification and registration of bovine animals, sheep and goats. (BOE 181, 30/07/2005).
Registration of apiaries:
- Decree 48/2006 of 26 May, laying down the rules of management of apiaries in the Balearic Islands. (BOIB 81, 06/06/2006).
- Royal Decree 209/2002, of 22 February, laying down the rules for management of apiaries. (BOE 62, 13.3.2002)
Registration pig:
- Royal Decree 324/2000 of 3 March, establishing basic standards of management of pig farms. (BOE 58, 08/03/2000).
- Modifications: Royal Decree 483/2000 and Royal Decree 1323/2002.
Register laying hen farms:
- Royal Decree 372/2003 of 28 March, which establishes and regulates the general registration of establishments keeping laying hens. (BOE 78, 01/04/2003).
Registration Meat Poultry Farms:
- Royal Decree 1084/2005 of 16 September, management of poultry meat. (BOE 233, 29/09/2005).
Rabbit holding register:
- Royal Decree 1547/2004 of 25 June, laying down rules for the management of the rabbit farms. (BOE 154, 06/26/2004)

2. Primers Renewal Livestock

Farmers who are entered in the Register Livestock Farms and Livestock have the appropriate primer should carry out a census update their holdings once a year.
Mandatory annual reporting period: January and February.
Applicants: Owners of livestock farms.
Location: Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries of the Consell Insular de Formentera.

3. Guides origin and livestock health

The Health Guide and animal origin (Gosp) is a document authorizing the sanitary movement of animals from the farm of origin to other farms, livestock markets and fairs oal'escorxador. This document records the livestock species to be transported to the review of animal data of the holder and the holding of origin and destination, with the personal signature of the official veterinarian or authorized veterinarian who authorizes the transfer .
The schedule for the Gosp to take animals from sheep, goats and swine slaughterhouse Formentera: Tuesday from 9 to 13 h. (* Except for specific changes for holidays).
The schedule for the Gosp to move animals between farms are Monday through Friday from 9 to 14 h.
Location: Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries of the Consell Insular de Formentera.
Applicable regulation:
- Law 8 / 2003, dated April 24, and animal health.
- Royal Decree 1881/1994 of 16 September, which lays down the animal health requirements governing trade in and imports from third countries of animals, semen, ova and embryos not subject to the conditions of 1st section Annex A of the Royal Decree 1316/1992 of 30 October.
- Royal Decree 1316/1992 of 30 October, which sets out the veterinary checks applicable to trade in certain live animals and their products.
- Royal Decree 1888/2000 of 22 November, laying down the animal health conditions governing trade and imports of poultry and hatching id'ous countries.
- Decree 49/1996, of May 2, by regulating the movement in and out of live animals and products within the scope of the Autonomous Community of the Balearic Islands.
- Royal Decree 1716/2000 of 13 October on health standards for intra-Community trade in bovine animals and swine.
- Movements of pigs and cattle.
- APA/3661/2003 Order of December 23, transfer of sheep and goats.
- Royal Decree 2121/1993, of December 3, transfer of sheep and goats.
- Order of the Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries of September 23, 1991, on source documentation for the transfer of animals to slaughterhouses in the CAIB.

4. Registration of carriers and transportation:

The transport of live animals on the island of Formentera must be approved and registered by the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries prior to the conduct of business as set out in Decree 4 / 2010, dated 15 January, establishing and regulating the Register of Transport and the Transport of Animals of the Balearic Islands and regulates the permits.
They must also be approved and registered the containers and transport of live animals.
There are five types of licenses depending on the type of transport:
T1: tranport of less than 8 hours but more than 65 km (interisland).
T2: transport more than 12 hours (long trip).
T2: transport more than 8 hours and 12 hours (long trip).
T3: transportation within the same island (max 65km)
T4: Transport of animals themselves with the means to less than 50km.
The application form for registration in this register may be collected in the Department of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries of the Consell Insular de Formentera or accessed through this page.
- Registration: The person responsible for the registration of Transportation and / or means of transport must complete the application form along with the documentation required by the type of transport.
The documentation will be presented at the Consell Insular de Formentera.
Applicable regulation:
- Decree 4 / 2010 of January 15, which creates and regulates the Registration of Carriers and Mass Transport of animals in the Balearic Islands and regulate licenses.
- Royal Decree 751/2006 of 16 June on licensing and registration of carriers and transportation of animals and the establishment of the Spanish Committee of welfare and protection of livestock.

5. Registration of the animal feed sector

Under Regulation (EC) 183/2005 of the European Parliament and Council of 12 January, laying down the requirements on the hygiene of feed, feed business operators must ensure that establishments under their control have the proper authorization and are entered in the register of establishments in the animal feed sector, provided they carry out any of the following activities:
a) manufacturing and / or marketing of feed down in Regulation (EC) 1831/2003 or any of the products listed in Directive 82/471/EEC and referred to in Chapter 1 of Annex IV of Regulation (EC) 183/2005;
b) manufacturing and / or marketing premixes using feed additives referred to in Chapter 2 of Annex IV of Regulation (EC) 183/2005;
c) produce to market or produce exclusively for the needs of its holding, compound feedingstuffs using feed additives or premixes containing animal feed additives referred to in Chapter 3 of Annex IV of Regulation (EC) 183/2005.
The owners of the animal feed sector should ensure that all stages of production, processing and distribution under their control are carried out in accordance with Community legislation, supports state legislation and good practice, and particular should ensure they meet the relevant requirements of hygiene.
To feed animals for food production, farmers must adopt policies and procedures to maintain the lowest level at which it can reasonably risk of biological contamination, chemistry and physics of feed, animals and home products animal.
The animal feed business operators and farmers must obtain and use only the feed from establishments registered or licensed in accordance with Regulation (EC) 183/2005.
The application form for registration in this register may be collected in the Department of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries of the Consell Insular de Formentera or accessed through this page.
- Registration: The person responsible for the registration of Transportation and / or means of transport must complete the application form along with the documentation required.
The documentation will be presented at the Consell Insular de Formentera.
Applicable regulation:
- Regulation (EC) 183/2005 of the European Parliament and Council of 12 January, setting the requirements for feed hygiene.
- Royal Decree 821/2008 of 16 May, laying down the conditions of application of Community legislation on feed hygiene and sets the record stores in the animal feed sector.

6. Zoological Record

Establishments where animals are not used for food production must apply Litci entry in the Zoological Record.
For the purposes of registration in the registry is structured in four sections:
1. Core zoo itself.
2. Temporary holding facilities for pets.
3. Premises for the sale, health care and pet health.
4. Facilities for the practice of riding.
To carry out all the above activities, you must apply licensing and registration in the register even if performed in conjunction with different activities or establishments within the multi-purpose.

The application form for Registration of Zoos Cores can be collected in the Department of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries of the Consell Insular de Formentera or accessed through this page.
- Registration: The person responsible for the registration of Zoological fill out the application form along with required documentation attached.
- Low: Zoological holder in the register must inform both the termination and suspension of the activity. Causes are low in the registry:
- The suspension of the activity for a period exceeding 12 months.
- The cessation of the activity.
- The failure of any of the requirements to qualify for entry.
- Changes in data: activity modifications such as expansion, movement or ownership changes should be reported to the registry.
The documentation will be presented at the Consell Insular de Formentera.
Applicable regulation:
- Order of the Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries of 14 June 1989 that creates and develops the rules of the Balearic animal compounds.
- Act 1 / 1992, 8 April, animals and plants protection. Protection of animals living in the human environment.
- Decree 56/1994 of 13 May, approving the Regulation for the development and application of the law of April 8, 1992, for the protection of animals living in the human environment.

7. Registration no commercial poultry farms

According APA/2442/2006 Order of 17 July, is considered a municipality Formentra special vigilance with regard to avian influenza, is for this reason that no poultry farms comerials not included in the register of the island's farming Formentera is entered in the administrative record for such purpose in the Consell Insular de Formentera.
- Registration: Owners of commercial poultry farms should not present the Consell Insular de Formentera the application form with the bird census statement they have on their farms.
Applicable regulation:
- Resolution of the Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries, August 31, 2006 on measures concerning the prevention of avian influenza in the Balearic Islands.

8. Registration of potentially dangerous animals

The Consell Insular de Formentera has a Municipal Register of Potentially Dangerous Animals, which entered all the animals of the canine species included within the classification of potentially dangerous animals, as well as domestic and wild animals as pets considered and classified as dangerous, as well as those who may be identified in the future.
- Registration: Owners of potentially dangerous animals must register their animals in the municipal registry by filing the application and documentation required.
The documentation will be presented at the Consell Insular de Formentera.
Applicable regulation:
- Resolution of the Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries, May 17, 2006 by establishing the regional registry of potentially dangerous animals in the Balearic Islands.

9. Moving pets abroad

Movements of pets in the United Kingdom, Ireland, Malta, Sweden and Norway:
All animals which travel should be subject to a determination of neutralizing antibodies against rabies vaccinations and having complied with the deadlines established by extracting each of the countries mentioned.
Once you have the results of the determination must submit the passport of the animal in question to the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries of the Consell Insular de Formentera, so that in the section on the certification of official results of the serological test to determine neutralizing antibody titre of rabies virus, is sealed by the Veterinary Services of the Consell Insular de Formentera before each trip.
If vaccination is respected from serological analysis, and once certified the result by the Official Veterinary Services shall not require a new certification.
Movements of companion animals in EU countries:
To make a move with a pet to a third country must apply for an export license through the veterinary services of Formentera Island Council of Animal Health Inspection Palma.
To apply for the certificate must show the passport of the animal subject of movement up to date vaccinations and an official veterinary certificate.

10. Animal drug application for entry in the Register Livestock farm on the island of Formentera

Through the agreement it has signed the Consell Insular de Formentera with IBABSA (Institute of Animal Biology, Baleares, SA), farmers on the island of Formentera who are entered in the Register Livestock Farms and have updated census animals on his holding to the Schedule Livestock may apply for their shots and worming al'IBABSA animals through the Department of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries of the Consell Insular de Formentera.


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