It is sometimes difficult to distinguish the cut-off point between cultural and natural value on such a small piece of land as Formentera, where land and sea resources have affected life considerably on the island. Proof of this is the breadth of our ethnological heritage, which bears witness to the sustainable use of various natural resources. Flour mills are a particularly special part of this extensive history.
These mills are linked to the importance of wheat on the island of Formentera, as the cereal was the basic source of food for the island's population. However, in order to make bread, the grain had to be ground to be made into flour, which initially took place in the so-called molins de sang (blood mills). They were called this because they were powered by animals that went round to work the millstone. They were relatively small and usually located in an outbuilding near the home. However, in the 18th century, another, more complex and larger system was beginning to take shape which was powered by the wind, enabling a better yield to be obtained.
This is one of three mills that were documented in the 18th century. On the scale part of the machinery the date '1778' is engraved, the year in which it is said to have been built. In 1781, Francesc Serra "Rempuixa" and Josep Costa sold the mill to Bartomeu Mayans "Moliner" and it stayed in the family's hands until 1993, when it was acquired by the Fundació Illes Balears (Foundation of the Balearic Islands), the current owner.
How to get there:
Venda de sa Talaiassa. El Pilar de la Mola (map)
Free admission
Urbanism and territory, Tourism and Economic activities
Urbanism and Territory planning
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Tourism planning and Economic activities