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Citizen participation. Objectives

What are the objectives of the area?

- Improving existing and creating new channels of communication between the Consell and citizens, to ensure wider access to information about activities, works and services of the Consell Insular de Formentera.
- Improvement of the organs, channels, techniques and methodologies of participation in Formentera to make them more inclusive, effective, coordinated and efficient.
- The promotion of citizen participation in the management of Formentera governance of our island.
- The promotion of good governance and stewardship.
- Strengthening the presence of the associative network in the spaces of participation.
- The inclusion of the diversity of the island of Formentera in its participatory structure.
- The strengthening of associations through a policy of support to entities.
- The provision of citizens' movement of the necessary infrastructure for developing, designing and executing a 'Casal de Entitats': proper civic facilities to the dynamics of local associations and the possibilities of Formentera.
- Improving the quality of care to the citizens understanding the Service to citizenship as an element of communication and information.
- The promotion and use of new technologies to create new mechanisms that complement existing participation. 

In short, it seeks to promote the growth of citizen participation, strengthening democracy as representative and as an additive of quality in public policy management.

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