The Formentera Office of Environment is working to fulfil its commitments under the Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy (CMCE) of November 2019. The Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan [PAESC] is being prepared at present and, prior to its approval, the Consell invites islanders and local groups to participate by sharing their ideas in this survey.
The CMCE is a tool designed to enable European municipalities to fulfil energy objectives which are set by Europe. Signatory municipalities undertake to: reduce CO2 emissions by 40% by 2030; increase energy efficiency by 27%; increase use of renewable energy sources by 27%; develop a Baseline Emissions Inventory (BEI); conduct a climate change risk and vulnerability assessment.
Efforts on Formentera
Various departments of the Consell are enacting measures to achieve the objectives. Efforts are afoot to revise electricity supply meters, readjust and tailor contracted power to real consumption, monitor solar energy installations and analyse fuel expenses.
Among the assorted initiatives underway are projects to install photovoltaic canopies in public parking lots and new photovoltaic generation systems in municipal facilities; replace conventional luminaires with LED luminaires in holiday lighting; swap in more efficient and alternative fuel-powered vehicles; adapt roads. Other projects involve cycling signage; tax rebates on building permits for energy efficiency improvements, and a network of electric vehicle charging points.
Formentera is also part of VPP4Island, a pioneering European project to facilitate integration of renewable systems and accelerate the transition to smart and green energy.
3 June 2022
Communications Office
Consell de Formentera
Urbanism and territory, Tourism and Economic activities
Urbanism and Territory planning
Infrastructures and services
Tourism planning and Economic activities