This November, the Formentera Office of Heritage presents its second course on the history of Formentera. A ten-part initiative, Història de Formentera consists of eight lectures, a guided tour and a documentary film screening.
In the words of Raquel Guasch, councillor of heritage, "after the success of last year's course, our aim this year is to consolidate the initiative and harness the knowledge of participating researchers and historians to offer a rigorous educational account of our history to the people of Formentera".
Sessions will be held from 7.00pm to 8.00pm in the Consell de Formentera auditorium (Sala de Plens), located next to the island's adult care centre (Centre de Dia). The course is free and registration is not required. Subjects:
Thursday 3 November: El cop d'Estat, la Guerra Civil i la recuperació de la Memòria (Coup d'état, Civil War and reclaiming historical memory). Artur Parrón Guasch
Tuesday 8 November: La repressió contra els homes i dones de Formentera (Repression of the people of Formentera). Manuel Suárez Salvá
Thursday 10 November: Els camps de presoners a les Balears (Prison camps in the Balearic Islands). Maria Eugènia Jaume Esteva
Tuesday 15 November: La Colònia penitenciària de Formentera (The Formentera penal colony). Antoni Ferrer Abárzuza
Thursday 17 November: Vida i mort a la Colònia penitenciària de Formentera: L'exhumació al cementiri de Sant Francesc (Living and dying at the Formentera penal colony: Exhumation in the Sant Francesc cemetery). Almudena García-Rubio
Tuesday 22 November: La arqueología como herramienta para el estudio de los espacios de represión de la Guerra Civil y la posguerra: el caso del campo de concentración de Albatera (Archaeology as a tool to study spaces of repression during the Civil War and postwar period: the Albatera concentration camp) [1937-1939]. Felipe Mejías López
Thursday 24 November: La larga espera. La situación familiar y propia de los presos extremeños en Formentera (The long wait. The family and personal situation of Extremaduran prisoners on Formentera). Candela Chaves Rodríguez
Saturday 26 November [Walking tour | 10.00am to 1.30pm]: Memòria: Colònia penitenciària, església de Sant Francesc, cementeri Nou (Historical memory: Penal colony, Sant Francesc church, Cementeri Nou). Paula Juan Tur
Tuesday 29 November: L'observació aèria de l'illa de Formentera durant la segona guerra mundial (Aerial observation of Formentera during World War II). Celso García García
Thursday 1 December: Documentary: Nosaltres els vençuts (2004, 70 min). Antoni Maria Thomàs Andreu
The course is validated by the Formentera Teachers' Resource Centre (Centre de Profesorat) and attending teachers are eligible for elective credits.
26 October 2022
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