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Areas Social action Patrimoni Consell de Formentera Archive receives 18th-C. map and 19th-C. marriage contract

Consell de Formentera Archive receives 18th-C. map and 19th-C. marriage contract

foto 2022xii arxiuToday Ana Juan, president of the Consell de Formentera, and José María Ortiz, signed into effect the donation of two additions to the historical archives: a nineteenth-century marriage contract and an eighteenth-century map of the island. President Juan and Raquel Guasch, councillor of heritage, who was at the ceremony as well, expressed gratitude for the gift, which will be added to the Consell de Formentera Archive and illuminate a part of local history.

The two-page notorised contract, dated 31 May 1817, codifies an agreement between Francisca Guasch Juan and Josep Riera. The document details the bride's dowry and sets the terms of inheritance on the death of either spouse and future children. The map of Formentera is the work of 18th-century cartographer Joseph Roux. Both documents are in good condition.

22 December 2022
Communications Office
Consell de Formentera

Xarxa de Biblioteques

Institut d'Estudis Baleàrics

Enciclopèdia d'Eivissa i Formentera