The Office of Culture of the Consell de Formentera is pleased to announce that it has programmed a presentation of Pau: El valor de la vida als nostres dies at Marià Villangómez Library, Friday 10 March, at 7.30pm. The presentation will be given by the author, Jordi Armadans Gil.
Armadans, one of the most respected experts in international conflict and peace activists in the country, is a political scientist and journalist as well as an analyst and trainer in conflict, peace and security. He has worked as director of Foundation for Peace and has been linked to various NGOs, campaigns and social movements for the culture of peace, human rights, solidarity and global justice.
His first book, articulated concisely and lucidly, comes packed with the most recent data which Armadans distils into a critical and current reading of the state of global conflict, and urges us to respond with coherence and responsibility to put people back at the centre of our priorities. As the author explains, "on paper, peace, justice and human rights are indisputable values of democratic societies, but we live in a world shaken by multiple forms of violence: wars, militarism, hunger, poverty, male chauvinism, racism, abuse of power, the arms race, climate emergency... What distorted logic leads our leaders to espouse a will to improve society, when at the same time they allow (if not directly activate) mechanisms of death and misery?" These are some of the issues that will be addressed and discussed at the presentation.
4 March 2023
Office of Communication
Consell de Formentera
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