The Language Advisory Service of the Consell de Formentera is pleased to report that the 49th Onomastics Society Colloquium will take place Monday 1 May, with a presentation from authors Vicent Ferrer i Mayans and Enric Ribes i Marí of their book "La toponímia de Formentera".
The day kicks off at 9.00am in the Sala de Plens with a presentation by Ángel Custodio Navarro on legislating language and safeguarding place names, or "toponyms". At 9.20am Mar Batlle will discuss Formentera's toponyms in the DECat and Vicent Ferrer i Mayans, proposals to disseminate and reincorporate them. At 10.00am Enric Ribes will frame local place names as indicators to diachronically study the local variant of Catalan ("Eivissenc") and Marc Roses will speak about tech solutions for efforts to catalogue toponyms. At 11.20am Antoni Ferrer Abárzuza will unpack the toponyms borne of a 17th- to 18th-century settlement in La Mola, and Jesús Bernat Agut will discuss place names along the coast between Almenara and Alcanar. Then, Josep Miquel Ribés and Andreu Beltrán will pick apart names for geographic features at sea used by seafarers from Grau de Castelló de la Plana.
At 12 noon authors Vicent Ferrer i Mayans and Enric Ribes i Marí will give a presentation of their book "La toponímia de Formentera". The Onomastics Society co-published the book, a compendium of local place names, with collaboration from the Onomastics Office of the Institut d'Estudis Catalans. It offers nearly nine hundred pages of toponyms and microtoponyms of the island previously found in scattered and, in some cases, unpublished collections. Published by the Consell de Formentera, the work also features a map allowing readers to travel name by name across Formentera's interior and coast.
Presentations last twenty minutes and are open to the public.
27 April 2023
Office of Communication
Consell de Formentera
Urbanism and territory, Tourism and Economic activities
Urbanism and Territory planning
Infrastructures and services
Tourism planning and Economic activities