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Formentera launches road safety push reminding drivers “The road’s for all of us”

foto-a-la-carretera-hi-som-tot4Formentera president Alejandra Ferrer was joined by councillors of mobility and interior Rafael González and Josep Marí, respectively, in unveiling the Consell de Formentera’s winter campaign to promote safety on the highway – an effort she said was “tuned to educate islanders about the dangers we face when we get behind the wheel”.

Posters feature numerous Formentera residents in everyday situations —in a car, on a motorcycle, atop a bicycle— with the reminder to motorists that “the road’s for all of us” (A la carretera hi som tots). Ferrer explained the three-part message as “Please, don’t speed, don’t drink and drive, and don’t drive distracted. These are the three main causes of accidents on our roads”.


The posters have been up since yesterday at lighted display cases across the island, they will also be placed near main roads. A special dissemination effort will be activated in traditional media outlets and on social media. According to President Ferrer: “The campaign appeals to people’s sense of community. We want Formentera residents to understand that the other driver on the road could be a neighbour, a friend, or a family member”.

Road map
Some 2,360 brochures have been printed with the campaign’s core images and a fold-out map of the island. The text highlights the fact that Formentera is a small island and, though it’s easy to think we’re danger-free, anytime a vehicle is in motion, extreme caution must be exercised. Plenty of surprises can appear suddenly, like hidden turn-offs in the countryside, a crossing animal, or special vehicles and cyclists.



Councillor González pointed out that all the information in the pamphlets has been specifically adapted for Formentera roads and the particular characteristics of the island, “so drivers take note”, he said. The tracts also feature a review of basic aspects of traffic and safety codes, which, González said: “Everyone is expected to respect”.

Brochures and informational posters will be dispatched to the Citizen Information Office (OAC), the Antoni Blanc fitness centre, Christmas Market, Marià Villangómez Library, offices of the Consell de Formentera, Casa del Poble, Casal de Joves, Sant Ferran library connection and the harbour. The campaign was designed by FARO Communications for a total cost of €4,961.


Patrols by local law enforcement
In Councillor Marí’s words: “This year has been a tough one, with many very serious accidents on the highway. Five people lost their lives and, particularly since many of the victims were Formentera residents, the decision was made to devote this winter to building awareness”.

Running parallel with the new push, to ensure drivers are heeding the message, there will be speed checks and drug and alcohol tests by Formentera local police and Guardia Civil.


Youth outreach
There will also be a special outreach campaign among young people. Wednesday, 18 December, at 12 noon, the Sala de Cultura-Cinema will be the scene of an info session for Marc Ferrer High School pupils who are old enough to drive scooters (years three and up).

Councillor Marí will review the main points of the campaign, local police offers will talk about traffic accidents and how to prevent them and an ER doctor will explain how similar cases are handled and what the consequences are. At the end, attendees will hear from victims, who will share their first-hand experiences with the psychological and physical consequences of a serious accident.

Taxi drivers
Finally, the president of Formentera’s association of taxi drivers, José Antonio Ferrer, reminded the entire island that taxis are available 24 hours a day, on Christmas and the other 364 days of the year. The service can be requested by calling Radio Taxi Formentera, 971 32 23 42.

13 December 2019
Department of Communication
Consell de Formentera


If ferry companies won’t guarantee first and final passage to Eivissa, Balearic government will

foto mesa transport 2Formentera’s president and mobility chief, Alejandra Ferrer and Rafael González, respectively, were in Palma today for a meeting of the Committee on Maritime Transport in the Balearics (Mesa de Transport Marítim de les Illes Balears) chaired by regional mobility and housing minister Marc Pons.

Pons said officials would be sitting down in the off season to talk with ferry companies about the importance of the early-bird and late-night inter-island service, and to ascertain whether any are interested in taking up the cause. An answer is due in two weeks, and will be announced at the next commission gathering, scheduled on Formentera. According to Pons, if no company comes forward to offer 6.00am Eivissa-bound and 10.30pm return service, “the Govern balear will open up bidding and put them to tender”.

President Ferrer highlighted the work invested in moving things this far, and traced the question of first-and-final ferry passage back to 2010, when legislation on maritime transport became law. “These two journeys are very important. For islanders, it’s the difference between making the first daily plane out of Eivissa, getting home at night, visiting loved ones in the hospital or, for young people, completing studies on Eivissa. There are many valid needs at stake here”, Ferrer declared.

The president said early-bird and late-night ferry service must be “not just socially sustainable, but environmentally and financially sustainable as well”. Also at the encounter were the director general of the sea and air transport division of the Balearic government and representatives of regional ministries of environment, tourism, employment, health, and of the Mallorca, Menorca and Eivissa island councils, not to mention the CAEB, APEAM, CCOO, UGT, Marina Mercant, and chambers of commerce across the archipelago.

25 November 2019
Department of Communication
Consell de Formentera

Winter hours in effect for metred parking across Formentera

zona-regulada-d-aparcamentvjThe Formentera Council's mobility department reports that from tomorrow, Friday 1 November, winter hours will take effect across metred parking areas in La Savina, Sant Francesc and Sant Ferran. Meanwhile, in Es Pujols, traffic wardens will cease to enforce the pay-to-park system in zona blava (blue zone) spaces until the start of summer. Elsewhere metred parking will be in force Monday to Saturday, from 9.00am to 2.00pm and 4.00pm to 8.00pm, until 1 May. Parking is free on Sundays and bank holidays.

Cars parked in blue zone spots can remain there up to three days, unlike in summer, when the limit is one day. Green zone (zona verda) spots on the other hand are reserved for authorised vehicles, which can be parked for no more than three days, and La Savina residents carrying proof of residence, who can leave vehicles parked for as many as 15 days, just like in summer.

31 October 2019
Department of Communication
Consell de Formentera

Formentera to back educational push for road safety

The offices of the interior and mobility of the Consell de Formentera report that this winter they will steer a campaign to encourage freight drivers, tourists and islanders at large to respect rules of the road and highway safety. Interior chief Josep Marí placed serious accidents on local roads at the centre of the decision—an effort he described as seeking to “stem further mishaps and improve safety on our roads”.

The plan’s architects say the idea is simple: that motorists should respect movement and traffic regulations like speed limits when they get behind the wheel. Another aim is to boost compliance with safety measures—which might mean using a helmet and seatbelt, or avoiding operating a vehicle after consuming alcohol or drugs, or while texting. Another reminder will include the importance of completing the required vehicle inspection (ITV) and keeping insurance current.

Message for island youth

Organisers will even take to social media as they send a message to young people about the dangers of forgoing safety regulations when driving motorbikes and motor-scooters. The island’s school liaison officer will also be on hand to reinforce the message as part of local law enforcement’s annual road safety campaign (Educació Vial).

Greater police presence

Councillor Marí said Formentera Local Police and Guardia Civil would increase stops on highways to see if drivers “are taking the campaign’s message to heart as they get on the road”.

16 October 2019
Department of Communication
Consell de Formentera

At Madrid Trafic expo, Formentera shares ‘regulated entry’ approach to tackling vehicle saturation

foto-presentacio---formentera-1Mobility chief Rafael González stood before crowds at the Trafic expo today in Madrid to talk about formentera.eco, the island’s system to restrict the flow of incoming vehicles. Attendees of the fair, which runs 8 to 11 October, will learn about safe and sustainable mobility.

Councillor González gave an overview of the mobility projects launched on the island in recent years, from nature trails, pedestrian zones and metred parking in the island’s main urban centres, to sustainable vehicle promotion, tightened regulations on vehicle access to places like Ses Salines nature reserve and Es Cap de Barbaria lighthouse, adoption of the first “Sustainable Mobility Plan” and rollout of formentera.eco.

On that last note, González described the system as without precedent anywhere in Spain, and highlighted, apart from the growing popularity of sustainable mobility options like public transport and cycling, success in one priority area in particular: “breaking the trend of ever more saturated roads during the high season”.

Looking ahead
González described public transport improvements and expansion of the nature trail network as areas of acute importance moving forward, not to mention engaging with local non-profits, NGOs and businesses in the creation of a roadmap for regulation next summer. “It will reflect the fact that sustainable mobility is synonymous with sustainable tourism”, said the councillor. “This, together with other conservation measures, is what we’re relying on so that Formentera is still around for future generations to enjoy.”

9 October 2019
Department of Communication
Consell de Formentera

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