Wednesday, 15 June 2022 13:28
The Formentera Office of Mobility reports that today marks the start of the regulatory period for Between 15 June and 15 September all motor vehicles driven on Formentera will have to have valid accreditation. "This is the fourth summer of application of the project and, once again, per proposal from the Consell d'Entitats, the regulatory period has been extended two more weeks and fees have trebled", explained Rafael González, councillor of mobility.
On this first day of regulation, 18,340 vehicles have associated accreditation on file. The breakdown of the figures is as follows:
- Cars [visitors]: 550 (maximum quota: 1,980)
- Motorcycles [visitors]: 60 (maximum quota: 200)
- Cars [Eivissa residents]: 107 (maximum quota: 220)
- Motorcycles [Eivissa residents]: 14 (maximum quota: 20)
- Cars [for rent]: 1,899 (maximum quota: 2,376)
- Motorcycles [for rent]: 5,496 (maximum quota: 6,160)
- Vehicles [residents]: 9,938 (unregulated)
- Other vehicles: 276 (unregulated)
Total: 18,340
(Updated at 11.00am on 15 June 2022)
During the month of June, the daily average for vehicle reservations stood at 200; in the last two days, meanwhile, some 600 requests for accreditations have been received each day. By 15 June, a total of 28,000 requests had been processed. As of today, accreditation can still be requested for every day of the regulatory period.
2022 ceiling
During the 2022 summer season, total vehicle accreditations have been symbolically capped at 19,696, a figure 12% lower than the maximum in 2019. The ceiling on regulated rental and visitor vehicles is 10,956. In 2020 the Consell d'Entitats voted to limit total accreditations by an additional 4% next year to ultimately lower the ceiling by 16% over four years.
Bookings and accreditations
Visitor vehicles must have an associated accreditation to be driven on local roads. The process is simple and can be handled on The daily fee for cars is €3 (minimum €15); and motorcycles €1.50 (minimum €7.50).
Residents pay nothing for accreditation, but are still required to have it to drive a vehicle on the island. Cars with an associated accreditation on file for metred blue zone parking, as well as private vehicles of residents who pay the island's circulation tax, are automatically accredited. Motorists are responsible for ensuring their vehicle's accreditation has been correctly processed. This can be done by visiting; there, using the vehicle plate number, drivers can check whether their vehicle has accreditation on file.
Drivers of hybrid vehicles receive a 50% discount, electric vehicles qualify for a 100% discount and residents of Eivissa and the other islands, Mallorca and Menorca, also have free accreditation.
Ferry companies that allow the transport of vehicles are informing of the regulation on their websites during the ticket purchase process. In this way, information about the rules reaches all the people who come to Formentera with their vehicle. Posters and videos explaining the project have also been distributed.
In recent weeks the Consell has also piloted an information push to encourage residents and seasonal workers to accredit their vehicles. As part of this campaign, parking attendants have scanned the number plates of five thousand vehicles parked on Formentera roads.
The councillor pointed out that, so far this season, six car rental companies have been informed that they cannot increase their fleet, rent quads or start operations on Formentera. He cast it as "an indication of why regulation is crucial: without these steps, our network of roads would have exceeded capacity already".
In the fourth year of enforcement, newly installed cameras will allow for improved implementation of the regulatory scheme. Two number plate reading cameras installed at the Hospital roundabout check that vehicles circulating on the island are properly accredited. Likewise, there are two control cameras on Carrer Almadrava in La Savina, and a Consell vehicle (100% electric) equipped with two cameras for the same purpose. The cameras read the number plates of vehicles on roads and check if there is an associated accreditation on file.
The law provides for penalties of at least €1,000 euros for driving a vehicle that lacks accreditation.
15 June 2022
Communications Office
Consell de Formentera