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Areas Social action Sports

Consell creates outdoor archery practice space

foto 2022 tir amb arcThe Formentera Office of Sport has created an area at the athletics tracks where individuals can practise archery outdoors. The space is intended for young adepts of archery on the island who, this year for the first time, will compete in national categories. It will mean the archers do not have to travel to Eivissa for training.

Paula Ferrer, councillor of sports, highlighted "the club's fantastic work and the momentum enjoyed by traditionally less popular sports which offer a great alternative enriching and diversifying the local offer of sports".

Four Formentera archers have qualified for Spain's national championship scheduled 27 to 31 July in Madrid. The archers, aged 14 to 17, are Carla Santamaria, Manuela Choren, Alessandro Spagnuolo and Ahmed El Bouzrati.

13 July 2022
Communications Office
Consell de Formentera

Consell and Illa de Formentera Tennis Club sign deal for management of municipal tennis and paddle courts

foto 2022 conveni tennisToday Ana Juan, president of the Consell de Formentera, and Jorge Jiménez, head of Illa de Formentera Tennis Club (IFTC), signed a €11,000 agreement for the management, maintenance and cleaning of the municipal tennis and paddle facilities.

The IFTC will allow sports and other organisations access to, as well as use and enjoyment of, these facilities and promises to oversee regular maintenance. Paula Ferrer, councillor of sports, was also present at the signing of the agreement.

12 July 2022
Communications Office
Consell de Formentera

Eight Formentera athletes get grants for sporting merits in 2021

The Formentera Office of Sports has agreed to offer financial aid to eight local athletes for sporting merits in 2021. This is the first year that money for sporting merits is offered, and the Consell has unlocked €25,000 in assistance. The maximum amount per athlete is €5,000. Individuals set to receive this aid are Mateo Jimenez (sailing), Helena Lafuente (sailing), Sergi Lafuente (sailing), Gisela Colomar (sailing), Hugo Colomar (sailing), Andrea Romero (athletics), Matías Conill (sailing) and Marc Escandell (athletics).

Paula Ferrer, councillor of sport, said the aid "offsets some of the financial burden borne by our athletes who compete at regional, national and international level" and that "the Formentera Office of Sport intends to keep offering this aid in the years ahead".

In granting the aid, the office considered individuals' participation in federated activities and competitions between 1 January and 31 December 2021 as well as in programming and other projects scheduled during the 2021 calendar year. Only individual sports and collective modalities of individual sports were considered.

€80,000 in grants for clubs

Last week, the government commission also approved the unlocking of €80,000 in aid for the local sports programme and the terms of the assistance. This annual call for grants seeks to help clubs and non-profit associations to continue their work preparing athletes.

29 June 2022
Communications Office
Consell de Formentera

Formentera Marxa programmes 4 days of activities at Sant Ferran Cultural Space

From 23 to 26 June, the Consell's leisure and free time initiative for local youth, Formentera Marxa, has organised a series of activities, like four days of bouncy castles, at the Sant Ferran Cultural Space (Espai Cultural de Sant Ferran). In addition, on Thursday the 23rd there will be a face painting workshop; on Friday the 24th, a team sports tournament; Saturday the 25th, a family gymkhana, and Sunday the 26th, a workshop and batucada by the group Bloco Colubraria. The activities will run from 6.30pm to 9.30pm and are for ages 4 to 12.

21 June 2022
Communications Office
Consell de Formentera

cartell 2022 formentera marxa

Les inscripcions per als cursos d'estiu de l'Escola de Vela s'obrin dilluns dia 20

foto 2022vi escola de velaEl Consell de Formentera, a través de l'àrea d'Esports, informa que el pròxim dilluns 20 de juny s'inicia el període d'inscripció als cursos d'estiu de l'Escola de Vela, que es faran entre el 27 de juny i el 2 de setembre al Centre d'Esports Nàutics de Formentera. En total, s'han previst cinc cursos amb una durada de dos setmanes cada un: del 27 de juny al 8 de juliol; de l'11 de juliol al 22 de juliol; del 26 juliol al 5 d'agost; del 8 d'agost al 19 d'agost, i del 22 d'agost al 2 de setembre. Cada curs es pot realitzar en tres franges horàries, de dilluns a divendres: de 9.00 a 11.15 hores, d'11.45 a 14.00 hores i de 16.30 a 18.45 hores.

La consellera d'Esports, Paula Ferrer, ha animat els infants i joves de l'illa a inscriure's a aquests cursos "per iniciar-se en l'esport de la vela que, a més, ens posa en contacte amb la nostra mar". La consellera ha destacat que prop d'un centenar de nens passaran cada dia per l'Escola de Vela aquest estiu.

Les inscripcions es formalitzaran una setmana abans de l'inici de cada curs, per facilitar la participació de més infants. S'impartiran cursos de vela i surf de vela de diferents nivells (iniciació, perfeccionament i continuació dels equips de regates i preregates que hi ha tot l'any). Els primers, a partir dels cinc anys, i els de surf de vela, a partir dels set anys.

Les inscripcions es faran de manera presencial al Centre d'Esports Nàutics de 8 a 15 hores. Per a més informació, es pot contactar amb el Centre a través del correu electrònic cenf@conselldeformentera.cat.

15 de juny de 2022
Àrea de Comunicació
Consell de Formentera

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