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Areas Urbanism & territory, Tourism and Economic activities Urbanism and Territory planning

Only businesses open five months or more may occupy public roads

The Consell de Formentera wishes to remind islanders that businesses are only allowed to occupy public roads if they open a minimum of five months, 15 May to 15 October, as established by the local ordinance regulating occupation of public roads with terraces and other structures. This measure ensures a better service and extends the summer season, and aims to encourage businesses to open for more than five months. Permits to occupy public roads can be requested from the OAC and OVAC.

3 May 2023
Office of Communication
Consell de Formentera

Access to Es Ca Marí guaranteed by start of summer

Work on third cable to be completed in April

The Consell de Formentera is pleased to report that Red Eléctrica (REE) has finished assembly works on the third electric cable. The Office of Land explained that access to Es Ca Marí has been guaranteed by the beginning of summer.

According to Rafael González, land councillor, who coordinated the works with REE, by late April, the main road connecting the tourist area with PM-820 will be asphalted and painting and signalling operations will be completed. "We are satisfied with the coordination there has been, because the bulk of the work will be completed by the start of summer", he said. The councillor also thanked REE for agreeing to repair damages that works have caused on adjacent roads.

Between the last week of April and the first week of May, REE will resurface Cas Simonets road (from Camí Vell de la Mola to Es Ca Marí), leaving it in good condition. Then, in May, REE will oversee targeted repairs of damages, including to nearby dry stone walls, also caused by works.

The new connection will involve a 132 kV double electrical circuit linking the Torrent substation in Santa Eulària des Riu and a new substation in Es Ca Marí. Since 30 January, when the underwater portion of the cable was laid, efforts have focused on finishing work on the part of the cable that is on land.

26 April 2023
Office of Communication
Consell de Formentera

Formentera files contentious-administrative appeal to block change in General Coastal Regulation

foto 2022x afectats AToday Ana Juan, Alejandra Ferrer, Rafael González and Javier Serra (Consell de Formentera president, vice-president, councillor of territory and Sa Unió councillor, respectively) met with a group of individuals affected by coastal demarcations on Formentera. Employees of Consell de Formentera legal services spoke to members of the Platform of Islanders Affected by the Coastal Demarcation (Plataforma d'afectats per la delimitació costera, PADC) about the contentious administrative appeal that local government will present concerning the General Coastal Regulation.

President Juan pledged to fight to defend affected individuals' legitimate properties and touted renewed political consensus on an issue that she cast as "fundamental for the island of Formentera and for many families". As Councillor González explained, "we are asking for the withdrawal of changes made this August to the General Coastal Regulation which increase the margin for arbitrary decisions in boundaries and in the granting of administrative concessions on public land", he said.
Historically on Formentera, delimiting the public domain on land and at sea has, given its impact on the economy and the many families affected, been as sensitive as it is paramount. Formentera has always reaffirmed the need to guarantee protection of the island's coastline, while restoring property lines that existed prior to the 1997 coastal delimitation – a demand which all the political groups of the Consell defended yesterday.

28 October 2022
Communications Office
Consell de Formentera

Meeting with residents of Es Ca Marí

foto 2022 ajudes ramadersToday Ana Juan, President of the Consell de Formentera, and Rafael González, Councillor of Territory, met with Isidor Torres and Lina Mayans of the Es Ca Marí Residents' Association (AVECM) working group, who spoke to the officials about the problems facing residents of the area. AVECM requested the meeting, at the close of which, President Juan said the local administration listens to islander concerns and will work with AVECM and relevant branches of the Consell to build consensus around solutions. "We must work hand in hand and with other administrations to offer solutions and develop sanitation and other essential services needed by the residents of Es Ca Marí", Juan asserted.

10 May 2022
Communications Office
Consell de Formentera

Ban on nuisance works takes effect from 1 May

The Formentera Office of Territory reports that as of Sunday 1 May, a municipal ordinance will prohibit construction projects that create noise and vibrations which may be a nuisance in urban and tourist areas.

From 1 May to 15 October, the only projects permitted in urban and tourist areas are work which does not cause the acoustic and vibratory nuisances typical of excavations and foundation and structural builds. Setting up scaffolding on public roads is prohibited as well. To ensure compliance with the rules, the Consell de Formentera will instruct the local police to reinforce patrols.


Non-nuisance small-scale and indoor projects addressing existing pipework issues which must be corrected for reasons of health or safety, or urgent works that cannot be delayed, may be performed provided an associated request has been made and reviewed, and permission has been expressly granted. Such exceptions will be granted on a case by case basis.

28 April 2022
Communications Office
Consell de Formentera

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