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La temporada de mercats artesans i artístics a Formentera comença l'1 de maig

foto 2023iv mercats AEl Consell de Formentera, a través de l'àrea de Comerç, informa que el pròxim dilluns 1 de maig, es comencen a obrir els mercats artesans i artístics a l'illa de Formentera. L'1 de maig s'inicia l'activitat als mercats de Sant Francesc i es Pujols; el dia 3 obrirà el del Pilar de la Mola; el dia 15 de maig, el de la Savina, i el 27 de maig, els mercats artesans i artístics de Sant Ferran.

La presidenta del Consell i consellera de Comerç, Ana Juan, ha destacat que "els mercats són un valor diferencial de Formentera, de la nostra oferta turística i del nostre teixit productiu". Ana Juan ha destacat que "des de l'administració es continua treballant i s'impulsa i es valora l'ofici d'artesà, que precisament aquesta setmana ha tengut la tercera convocatòria de la legislatura de proves per obtenir les cartes d'artesà i de mestre artesà".

Horaris i dates:
Mercat artesà de la Mola. Dimecres i diumenges, de 16.30 a 22 hores. Del 3 de maig a l'11 d'octubre.
Mercat de Sant Francesc. Cada dia de 10 a 14 hores. De l'1 de maig al 30 d'octubre.
Mercat de la Savina. Cada dia de 10 a 24 hores. Del 15 de maig al 30 de setembre.
Mercat des Pujols. Cada dia de 19 a 24 hores. De l'1 de maig al 30 d'octubre.
Mercat artístic i artesà de Sant Ferran. Dijous, divendres i dissabtes de 20 a 24 hores. Del 27 de maig al 30 de setembre.
Mercat de segona mà de Sant Francesc. Dimarts i dissabte, d'11 a 14 hores. Tot l'any.

27 d'abril de 2023
Àrea de Comunicació
Consell de Formentera

Gastronomic Weekends return

The Office of Tourism of the Consell de Formentera is pleased to announce the return of Gastronomic Weekends. 28-30 April to 1 May, and 5-7 May, four local restaurants will offer gastronomic lunch and dinner specials for a fixed price of €25, drinks not included.

The specials are designed for the occasion, with some restaurants serving up classic local fare and others opting for a fresh spin on old favourites. All offer a creative take on affordably priced signature cuisine.

Details are available on the Office of Tourism website, here.

26 April 2023
Office of Communication
Consell de Formentera

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Seven applicants answer latest call for artisan accreditation

foto 2023iv artesa CThe Office of Commerce of the Consell de Formentera reports that this week a fresh round of exams have been held as part of a new call to accredit local craft workers. In total, seven people have applied to obtain nine artisan cards for trimmings, costume jewellery, oven glazing, knitting, dressmaking, flower drying and object decorating. Among the applicants, one craftsman has also applied for the drywall master test.

Ana Juan, president and commerce councillor, underscored "Formentera artisans' interest in growing and training in their trade, which shows that this is a very lively sector we must protect and promote".

Applicants must pass a test evaluated by a technical panel chaired by heritage department technician Jaume Escandell and comprising other department technicians and master craftsmen. During the evaluation, applicants make the product they wish to specialise in in their workshop while panel members observe working methods and pose practical questions about the manufacturing process and techniques. In addition, applicants must demonstrate familiarity in certain areas like basic notions, tools, equipment and machinery of the trade; origin of materials; preparation, handling, finishing processes; technical safety and hygiene, and more.

The last test was held in November, when one master craftsman and seven craftsmen received artisan cards, bringing Formentera's current total of accredited artisans to 68 craftspeople, 11 master craftspeople and four honorary master craftspeople.

26 April 2023
Office of Communication
Consell de Formentera

Formentera wins "National Geographic" readers' choice award for best beach destination in Spain

foto 2023iv NG 1This afternoon Alejandra Ferrer, vice president and tourism councillor, collected Formentera's award as the best beach destination in Spain at the first National Geographic Travel readers' awards ceremony in Madrid.

Ferrer thanked readers for the distinction, which she said "encourages us to keep protecting the island and is particularly exciting because it comes from a medium that also promotes preservation and has readers who love nature and know the importance of caring for the environment".

In fact, according to the magazine, destinations were awarded in recognition of their sustainability, excellence and commitment to authenticity. Following an expert-led selection process winnowing out all but 55 finalists, over the course of a month thousands of readers voted and selected ten winners and four special mentions.

Best beach destination in Spain: Formentera
Formentera is renowned in the Mediterranean for its effort to preserve its unique beaches, seabed and traditions. Environmental protection and the dissemination of local values have made Formentera an unparalleled destination, gala organisers pointed out.

Other awards
Best international destination: Japan
Best Latin American destination: Costa Rica
Best European destination: Scotland
Best natural destination in Spain: La Palma
Best urban destination in Spain: León
Best gastronomic destination in Spain: Burgos
Best gastronomic itinerary in Spain: idiazábal cheese route and others

25 April 2023
Office of Communication
Consell de Formentera

Formentera Zen Kids & Families, to be held 1 May, will be free for Formentera residents

The Office of Tourism of the Consell de Formentera is pleased to announce that the inaugural Formentera Zen Kids & Families will be held 1 May. Alejandra Ferrer, vice president and tourism councillor, invited interested local families to sign up. The event is free for residents of Formentera. "This yearly event is a chance to both draw visitors in the pre-season and offer options in healthy leisure to visitors and islanders alike, and now, with the brand-new Kids & Families, that includes children".

Formentera Kids & Families is part of the Consell de Formentera-backed and Puro Benestar-organised Formentera Zen, a wellness event which will be held next week on 28, 29 and 30 April. The central venue for the event will be the Gecko Hotel.

Formentera Kids & Families programme
Featured talks:
"En la consulta de pediatria: alimentació, primers auxilis i son." Pediatrician Anna Estapé will shine a light on infant sleep, feeding, common illnesses, choking and other concerns that parents have around parenting.

"Positive discipline also means saying 'no': Managing emotions and screens with children and adolescents." Child psychologist Carmen Esteban will speak about how parents can guide children in emotional management, adjusting rhythms and understanding the difference between punishments and limits, praising and encouraging. She will also discuss how screens can be abused and how to manage them responsibly at home.

"The importance of taking care of ourselves to take care of others and family fitness." Raquel López, who holds a bachelor's in Physical Activity and Sports Sciences, will offer tips for women and men to strengthen the pelvic floor hypopressive postural exercises, and highlight a fitness activity in which parents and children can enjoy the benefits and fun of doing sport as a family.

The event will take place in Plaça de la Constitució in Sant Francesc on 1 May, a public holiday. To register, visit www.formenterazen.es.

Formentera Zen programme
Formentera Zen includes multidisciplinary sessions covering every dimension of the human being–physical, intellectual, environmental and social–and designed to help us live healthier and more balanced lives.

Participating professionals: Alejandra Vallejo-Nágera (psychologist), Natalia Zubizarreta (interior designer), Sari Arponen (PhD in Biomedical Sciences), María Casado (expert in integrated wellness), Enric Sánchez (journalist and podcaster), Cristina Martínez (PhD in Psychology), Miguel Trainer (personal trainer) and Cristina Boscá (radio presenter), Alessandra Oram (yoga teacher from Hong Kong), Vicky Gómez (artist, dancer and choreographer), Amelia Platón (pharmacist, nutritionist and former Masterchef contestant) and Laura Cámara (nurse and sexologist).

To sign up for Formentera Zen, visit www.formenterazen.es. Formentera residents benefit from a 50% discount.

Beach cleanup and plastic art mural
In a first, Formentera Zen 2023 will include a coastal cleanup designed to raise awareness and a workshop on caring for the environment and our health, with tips on how to recycle better. A plastic art mural will also be made with the rubbish collected.

Organisers would like to thank the following collaborators for their support: Cabreiroá, Grupo Cala Saona, Trasmapi, Cöel, Freshly Cosmetics, Gecko Hotel, Etnia Cosmetics, Naranjas Ribera, Pure Niche Lab, Komvida and Natura Bissé.

19 April 2023
Office of Communication
Consell de Formentera

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