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Pianist Alessandro Martire unveils new music video inspired by and filmed at lighthouses of Formentera

foto 2023v pianoThe Office of Tourism of the Consell de Formentera is pleased to announce that pianist and composer Alessandro Martire released a video of his new song "Faro de la Isla" today. Martire says that not only was the music inspired by Formentera lighthouses, they are also where the video was shot: La Mola lighthouse at sunrise, and Es Cap de Barbaria lighthouse at sunset.

Video for "Faro de la Isla"

Martire traced his decision to his love of "these inspiring places and their incredible nature". For the occasion, he brought the same Waves piano with which he gave a concert in Sant Francesc's Plaça de la Constitució last summer. The Office of Tourism Promotion has supported this project that associates the island with creativity, music, nature and tranquility.

Since 2021, Alessandro Martire has cultivated an original format with his Waves piano and shot video clips in natural locations like glaciers, frozen lakes, rivers and 3,000-metre-high mountains. Some of his other creations can be seen here.

The pianist and composer was born in Cuomo, Italy in 1992, and composed his first song at the age of 15. Inspiration for his songs is drawn from both classical and contemporary music.

4 May 2023
Office of Communication
Consell de Formentera

Calendar of activities and events for month of May

foto 2023v agenda activa CThe Office of Tourism of the Consell de Formentera has put together a brochure of all the cultural, sports and active tourist activities on the island during the month of May. "In this way, we give visitors a guide where they can quickly find everything Formentera has to offer in the low season", said Alejandra Ferrer, vice president and tourism councillor.

A forthcoming activities calendar will focus on all the leisure options offered by the island's administration, associations and businesses--not to mention details on open accommodations and restaurants--toward the end of the high season. As Ferrer put it, "the ultimate goal is to have a programme with proposals covering 365 days a year". All this information will be included in a section of the Office of Tourism website and will be available at tourist information offices, as well as on social media, fairs and other promotions.

Activities agenda
The Consell's May tourist agenda features information and contacts with companies specialised in bicycle excursions, wine tasting, scuba diving, sailing boat rentals, horseback riding, wellness and health activities, birdwatching and environmental walks, gastronomic circuits, and more. It also includes the cultural and sports agenda.

"The idea is to foment year-round activities related to the natural environment, sports and culture; activities that promote the circular economy and diversification, and, at the same time, encourage local businesses to grow this offer. Programming like this is the best way to raise the island's profile", concluded the councillor.

4 May 2023
Office of Communication
Consell de Formentera

Beni Trutmann Photo Contest awards gala and exhibition

foto 2023v bt wolfgang wicherWinners of the 20th Beni Trutmann Photo Contest––where a total of 30 participants submitted 86 photos in the categories of Colour, Black and White, Social Justice and Junior––received their prizes yesterday. First-place awards in the Colour, Black and White, and Social Justice categories carry cash prizes of €500; second-place prizes, €300, and third-place, €200. In Junior, both the first and second prize winners received a Kodak Pixpro AZ422 digital camera.

Vanessa Parellada, culture councillor, congratulated winners and praised everyone that submitted work to the 20-year-old competition. The contest "maintains the same spirit of the photographer that gives it its name, taking care of the island and capturing its landscapes, customs and people". The event is a tribute to Beni Trutmann, the accomplished Swiss photographer who called the island home for 44 years and left it with more than 30,000 photographs evidencing his love for Formentera and its nature.

The first-prize winning photo in the colour category shows the father of photographer Lluís Mayans i Marí as he contemplates grapes and ponders the harvest that lies ahead. It speaks to the tradition of the countryside and its enduring importance, even today, in the 21st century.

Second-prize winner Wolfang Wicher captured the toiling, lonely work of fishermen in a snapshot during a visit to the island in 2015. The photographer traces his interest in the world of fishing to 1965, when the then-14 Wicher accompanied a fisherman in Es Pujols to retrieve nets near S'Espardell.

Ainhoa Ezkurra Cabello's third-prize winning photograph, "Hortolana sense hort", is a textured monochromatic snapshot that invites reflection on water scarcity and its consequences.

Black and White
First prize in Black and White went to Jaime Franch Rojo for his photo entitled "Entre canyes i fang". The image tells the story of a craftsman in winter who collects reeds from the pond, left on purpose, to use in handicrafts. The peaceful natural surroundings and the hand-picking of the reeds move us to reflect on bygone years.

Josep López Vañó's second-prize winner is "Volando voy, volando vengo y con Paco yo me entretengo". The subject's peaceful gaze exudes the natural quality of someone for whom relaxation is serious business: plucking the guitar with an air of kindness and love everlasting.

Adrián Pinilla Ballester won third prize for his black and white exploration of death: of an island and its people, the elderly in particular, whose legacy is speculated on and sold off.

Social Justice
Jaime Franch Rojo won first-prize in the category of Social Justice for "Phantom fishing": a forgotten net on the floor of the sea near Sa Punta which, as the years go by, continues to work damage on the ecosystem that accommodates it. It reminds us of the importance of looking beneath the surface, and acknowledging our ignorance around all we have yet to learn.

Second and third prizes were not awarded.

In the Junior category, first prize went to an underwater photograph of a nudibranch in Es Banc. With remarkable delicacy, Laia Bonet Cardona captured this hard-to-find mollusk under a thin translucent layer of light.

Alecsandru Farcas snagged second prize for a photograph combining the darkness of a night in Sant Francesc with a twinkle of light batting away nearby clouds while a woman walks quietly down the street. It is a search for hope and beauty in dark times.

Third prize was not awarded.

A display of this year's submissions and winning shots is on view at Sala d'Exposicions "Ajuntament Vell" from 3 to 13 May. The exhibition will be open 11.00am to 2.00pm and 6.00pm to 8.00pm, except on Monday mornings and Sundays.

3 May 2023
Office of Communication
Consell de Formentera

Formentera Zen 2023 hails record participation

foto 2023v fzen familes kids AThe Office of Tourism of the Consell de Formentera is pleased to report that yesterday 1 May brought celebration of the first-ever Formentera Zen Kids & Families. According to Alejandra Ferrer, vice president and tourism councillor, "more than 150 children and parents participated in this breakout day of health and wellness for individuals and families".

Formentera Kids & Families is part of Formentera Zen, which took place last weekend, 28, 29 and 30 April. That event also had a record number of participants, with over 250 "enjoying a weekend dedicated to wellness", said Ferrer.

The Consell de Formentera-backed Formentera Zen is organised by Puro Bienestar. Aimed at drawing visitors in the low season, the event offers healthy leisure options to visitors, residents, and now, families.

Formentera Zen includes multidisciplinary sessions that cover all dimensions of the human being (physical, intellectual, environmental and social) for healthier and more balanced living. Formentera Zen 2023 featured a coastal cleanup and a plastic art mural was made with the waste collected.

2 May 2023
Office of Communication
Consell de Formentera

El Formentera Film Festival se celebra entre el 16 i el 20 de maig amb 45 curtmetratges en competició per veure sota les estrelles de l'illa

foto 2023iv presentacio fffEl Consell de Formentera, a través de l'àrea de Cultura, de l'àrea de Joventut i de l'àrea de Turisme, informa que el Formentera Film Festival 2023 se celebra entre el dimarts 16 i el dissabte 20 maig. Seran 5 dies de projeccions i activitats gratuïtes adreçades a tots els públics, amb 45 curtmetratges en competició. Així ho han explicat avui en la presentació del cartell d'aquesta vuitena edició que ha estat il·lustrat per Ricardo Cavolo.

Les projeccions tindran lloc a partir de les 20.30 h, el 16 de maig al Casal de Joves i a la Sala de Cultura (Cinema), del 17 al 20 a la plaça de Sant Francesc (en cas de pluja a Sala de Cultura - Cinema), la darrera nit, el dissabte 20, també es farà la gala de entrega dels premis i hi haurà actuació de dj SET i DJ Lost Angeles. A més, el dijous 18 i divendres 19 hi haurà la projecció de la secció oficial infantil al Centre Antoni Tur "Gabrielet" a partir de les 20.30 h. Durant els dies del festival també es faran projeccions a la Residència, al Centre de Dia, a les escoles i a l'institut de l'illa.

Formentera Film aconsegueix seguir amb una edició totalment presencial i sempre més connectada amb el territori. "Això per a nosaltres és molt important, Formentera és el motiu pel qual existeix el festival, un festival destinat principalment als residents de l'illa, a joves, infants, majors i turistes que visiten la nostra illa fora de la temporada d'estiu. Estem treballant també en col·laboració amb l'associació DiverGent per fer del FF un festival sempre més inclusiu" segons han comentat els directors del FF Monica Timperi, Silvio Bandinelli, Viviana Carlet, Carlo Migotto.

La vicepresidenta i consellera de Turisme, Alejandra Ferrer, ha destacat que amb aquest certamen, que se celebra cada dos anys, aconseguim oferir un valor afegit als visitants que venen fora de temporada perquè puguin gaudir d'un festival únic, i fer-lo si el temps acompanya en un marc incomparable, sota el cel de Formentera. Per la seua banda, la consellera de Cultura i Joventut, Vanessa Parellada, ha convidat a tota la població de l'illa a gaudir d'aquesta oferta cultural gratuïta que també arriba especialment als infants i joves de Formentera.

El 17 de maig, a les 18.30 h al sala d'exposicions del Centre Antoni Tur "Gabrielet" s'inaugurarà la FFart_EXPO. Una exposició de les obres dels vuit artistes que han realitzat els premis que es donaran als curtmetratges guanyadors: Álvaro Mendoza, Enric Majoral, Fran Lucas Simón, Lorenzo Pepe, Raquel Caramazana Bocanegra, Simona Colzi, Sol Courreges Boné, Pamela Spits.

Formentera Film el 25 d'abril ha començat la seva activitat amb el taller impartit per Pilar Aldea FEIM UN CURT dirigit als Joves de 12 a 18 anys en col·laboració amb el Casal de Joves el curt realitzat es projectarà el 16 de maig al Casal de Joves. El festival comptarà amb secció infantil, secció juvenil, una secció per públic més adult amb temàtica sexual (La Boca eròtica), la secció oficial i curtmetratges ExtraFest i ExtraFest secció joves. Els directors, actors i professionals assistiran a les projeccions per iniciar debats, destaca la presència de l'actriu Lola Dueñas, madrina del festival.

Podreu trobar tota la programació al web del festival, aquí.

27 d'abril de 2023
Àrea de Comunicació
Consell de Formentera

cartell 2023iv FFF

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