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Areas Social action Social Welfare

Training for a better coexistence in the classroom

foto 2022xii anar AThe Office of Social Welfare of the Consell de Formentera reports that this week, the Anar Foundation (Fundació Anar) led year-three pupils at CEIP Mestre Lluís Andreu, CEIP Pilar and CEIP Sant Ferran and year-one students of ESO at IES Marc Ferrer in training to promote social harmony.

The training aims to encourage intervention programmes that promote and improve coexistence, or convivència, in the classroom. Participants learned that children and families both can get help on hotlines managed by Fundació Anar, which works to help children and teens (more information).

Fundació Anar facilitates workshops on the island as part of a collaboration agreement with the Office of Social Welfare of the Consell de Formentera.

23 December 2022
Communications Office
Consell de Formentera

Islanders at day centre visit local police station

foto 2022xii visita cdd AThis week, individuals at the Formentera Day Centre visited the Formentera Local Police to get a first-hand look at officers' work, including administering breathalyser tests, operating department vehicles and sirens and a demonstration of the canine unit.

14 December 2022
Communications Office
Consell de Formentera

Formentera pupils get trained in emotional management

foto 2022xii gestio emocionaLThe Office of Social Welfare of the Consell de Formentera is pleased to announce the return this year of an emotional management programme for children from year four of early-childhood education to year six of primary school. The activity will take place from October to March at CEIP El Pilar, CEIP Sant Ferran de ses Roques and CEIP Mestre Lluís Andreu.

The programme will take the form of four- or five-part workshops and content will be tailored to the characteristics of each group.

Image: Year-six pupils in early-childhood education at CEIP Mestre Lluís Andreu on Day of the Diversely Abled. The pictured activity dealt with visual impairment and colours of flowers and varying textures.

12 December 2022
Communications Office
Consell de Formentera

'Educating in diversity', talk for families on 15 Dec.

Thursday 15 December, Talks for families and teachers, the lecture series organised by the Office of Social Welfare, returns with "Educating in diversity" by Neus Martorell and Carmen Muñoz. The talk will start at 5.00pm in the Sala de Plens. To attend, reservations must be made in advance by calling 971 321 271 or sending an e-mail to educaciosocial@conselldeformentera.cat. Childcare will be available.

The talk is also part of local celebrations of International Day of Diversely-Abled People

9 December 2022
Communications Office
Consell de Formentera

cartell 2022xii xerrades 15D

This Saturday, solidarity walk for International Day of People with Disabilities

At 11.00am, Saturday 10 December, Formentera will celebrate International Day of Persons with Disabilities with its Solidarity Walk (Caminada Solidària), which was pushed back from 3 December due to weather conditions. Participants in the walk will set out from Jardí de ses Eres.

7 December 2022
Communications Office
Consell de Formentera

cartell 2022xii caminada

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