Today the Consell de Formentera held an open day where islanders could see first hand the facilities and offices at the Formentera Day Centre (Centre de Dia) that opened in February. There was also a tour of the new old people's home, which is scheduled to open this autumn. Ana Juan, Consell de Formentera president; Alejandra Ferrer, vice-president, and Rafael Ramírez, councillor of social welfare, together with almost the entire government team, also visited the space with the media.
President Juan stressed, first of all, that "it was necessary to adapt the new social welfare offices to the current needs of islanders who use them" and that the facilities constitute "a quantum leap forward for both users and staff of the Formentera Office of Social Welfare". As for the future old person's residence, Juan said this too would "mark a breakthrough in social and health care and a great improvement in care for dependent people currently on Eivissa and for their families".
Councillor Ramírez, for his part, explained that changes included rearranging the space 'to ensure better care and greater comfort for people". "Technical operations can now be handled much better too", he added, "which makes for better and more efficient service overall".
'Formentera Residence'
Councillor Ramírez insisted that the "Residència de Formentera" ('Formentera Residence') would be operational "by the time pupils are back in classrooms". He called the concept of care at the old people's home "people-centred": "It is a model that promotes functional independence so that, to the extent possible, elderly people at the residence are able to lead their own lives according to their individual beliefs, tastes, desires and interests".
The Formentera Residence has capacity for 18 beds in 14 single rooms and two double rooms. The places will be included in the Public Network for Dependency Care. Facilities consist of a reception area, dining room, living room, common bathrooms, infirmary, geriatric bathroom adapted for bedridden people and three landscaped outdoor areas.
28 June 2022
Communications Office
Council of Formentera