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Areas Social action Patrimoni

La Beca de recerca del Consell Insular de Formentera de 2023 desenvoluparà un projecte sobre les eres de l'illa

El Consell Insular de Formentera ha concedit la Beca d’investigació del Consell Insular de Formentera de 2023, dotada amb 8.500 euros, a l'equip format per Gabriel Alomar Garau i Lluis Gené Gil per a desenvolupar el projecte ‘Les eres de Formentera. Etnografia, geografia i cartografia’.

L'objectiu d'aquesta beca, que concedeix anualment la institució formenterera, és impulsar la recerca científica en àrees de les arts, les humanitats i les ciències socials en l'àmbit de Formentera.

La comissió avaluadora ha valorat aquest projecte com el guanyador d'acord amb el seu interès científic, la seva coherència i la metodologia usada, a més de valorar el currículum dels investigadors.

El treball de recerca objecte de la beca haurà de realitzar-se dins del termini de dotze mesos a comptar des de l'endemà de la recepció de la notificació de la concessió.

Summer hours at Molí Vell de la Mola, Torre des Pi des Català and the Ethnographic Collection

The Office of Heritage of the Consell de Formentera is pleased to report that hours of the island's heritage sites will change from 5 June. The old La Mola windmill (Molí Vell de la Mola) will open Wednesday and Sunday, 5.00pm to 8.00pm, and the Ethnographic Collection, Thursday to Saturday, 9.00am to 3.00pm. Visitors of Es Pi des Català defence tower (Torre des Pi des Català) must arrange a visit by emailing coneixpatrimoni@conselldeformentera.cat.

Admission at every site is free, and all three close on holidays.

2 June 2023
Office of Communication
Consell de Formentera

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Local inventory of 214 roads collects oral accounts and details heritage elements

foto 2023v camins patrimoni BThe Office of Heritage of the Consell de Formentera is pleased to report that the inventory phase of the island's first catalogue of roads is complete. The project is spearheaded by CINESI, a transport and mobility consultancy, and, as Raquel Guasch, heritage councillor, explained, "it will document existing local roads and highlight elements such as dry stone walls, drainage systems, water use and cobblestone sections that tell part of featured entries' story as assets of the island's heritage". Currently, the inventory encompasses 214 roads with more than 220 linear kilometres.

After the current phase, a multidisciplinary team made up of engineers, geographers, anthropologists, historians and jurists will document and take inventory of geometric characteristics like widths, road surfaces, state of preservation, as well as walls and other elements. They will document the oral history of roads based on key local accounts and compile documentary and cartographic mention of the same. Lastly, when applicable, they will analyse legal aspects of some roads. Some 15 interviews have already focused on collecting oral accounts. In its final form, the document will be structured into summary sheets bringing together all related information on each road, as well as a detailed plan with georeferenced information and photos.

In the words of Councillor Guasch, the roughly three year project "will leave Formentera with a tool that is essential to grasping our history".

CINESI consultancy benefits from the collaboration of Observatori de la Vida Quotidiana, Francesca Bayre, Sònia Roura and Clavell Canals Consulting.

21 May 2023
Office of Communication
Consell de Formentera

Applications for cultural heritage grants accepted until 31 July

The Office of Heritage of the Consell de Formentera has opened a line of aid for interventions involving cultural heritage assets, refurbishments of dry stone walls and the burial of power and/or telephone lines on the island. The deadline to apply for the grants is 31 July and the rules can be consulted in the Official Gazette of the Balearic Islands (BOIB) of 13 May and also on www.conselldeformentera.cat.

Raquel Guasch, heritage councillor, encouraged islanders "to take part in these subsidies to support local heritage as a sign of identity".

In total, €250,000 euros will initially be distributed as follows: 35% for interventions involving cultural heritage assets, 50% for refurbishments of dry stone walls and 15% for undergrounding utility cables. However, if funding remains in any of these, it may be transferred to other grant lines, in which case, priority will be given, first, to refurbishing dry stone walls; second, to cultural heritage properties; and third, to burying electrical and telephone lines.

Actions and interventions may involve restoring, conserving, consolidating or refurbishing cultural heritage assets designated as cultural interest sites (BIC) or catalogued elements (BC), as well as those that are included in Formentera's catalogue and inventory of the cultural heritage, provided the actions involve an improvement and enhancement of the property.

Regarding refurbished dry stone walls, the aid is for wall repairs carried out with traditional materials and techniques, as well as those involving replacement of concrete block walls or other unsuitable materials with dry stone walls carried out according to traditional techniques. Buried overhead power lines (medium voltage, transformer stations, low voltage distribution networks and individual branches) and telephone lines are also eligible.

Applications for these grants can be submitted at the Citizen Information Office (OAC; 6, Carrer Ramon Llull) or online through the Virtual Citizen Information Office (OVAC), accessible from the website of the Consell de Formentera.

18 May 2023
Office of Communication
Consell de Formentera

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Renate Steem donates artistic archives to Consell de Formentera

foto 2023v INFO donacioYesterday the German artist Renate Steem, who came to Formentera in the 1960s, gave to the Consell de Formentera her collected works, which will enter the archives of the island administration. President Ana Juan and Steem signed the bequest agreement, the gesture standing as a sign of the artist's gratitude to the island.

12 May 2023
Office of Communication
Consell de Formentera

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