Wednesday, 05 April 2023 09:22
Today the Office of Culture of the Consell de Formentera presented the activities programme for Sant Jordi 2023. "From 13 to 23 April we will have a variety of activities for all audiences and a quality cultural programme complete with outstanding musical proposals to promote reading and celebrate the Diada de Sant Jordi", said Vanessa Parellada, culture councillor.
Book presentations
Thursday 13 April, authors Lluís Ferrer and Antonio Rodríguez Cano will present the book Noves rondalles d'Eivissa i Formentera at Marià Villangómez Library.
Tuesday 18 April, in the library, Ferrer will host a new instalment of the "Read and Revel" (Llegeix i gaudeix) book club.
Thursday 20 April, author Anna Costa will present her children's book Rodolins acolorits per a grans i petits at Centre Antoni Tur "Gabrielet".
Finally, Thursday 27 April, author Iolanda Bonet will be at Marià Villangómez Library to present her book Crits de mar.
Book presentations and the book club session start at 7.30pm.
Cultural activities
Saturday 29 April, Formentera's Correllengua will unfold in three stages:
La Mola lighthouse to Sant Francesc (departure at 10.00am); Es Cap de Barbaria lighthouse to Sant Francesc (departure at 4.00pm), and La Savina to Sant Francesc (departure at 7.30pm). The end of the third stage, scheduled at 8.30pm, will mark the kick-off of an evening of concerts.
The Correllengua, which is organised by Plataforma per la Llengua, is a festive and active festival to encourage the use of the Catalan language in all social spheres. Monday 1 May from 9.00am, the Onomastics Society and Consell de Formentera will host the 49th Onomastics Society Colloquium in the plenary hall (sala de plens). At the event, Vicent Ferrer Mayans and Enric Ribes will present La toponímia de Formentera.
Activities for youth
Thursday 20 April at 5.00pm, the Sant Ferran Reading Spot (Punt de Lectura) will welcome Almudena Rubio as she presents a story time titled Quan els colors somien cançons.
Saturday 22 April, families can enjoy Príncep Totilau's Brutus. One fine day, Brutus and his family of cheerful, kooky mountain farmers decide to leave their cave and see the world. Along the way, exchanging apples from their orchard for stories and tales, they will manage to get all the families they meet to sing, dance and play traditional games.
The 50-minute performance of Brutus will start Saturday 22 April at 12 noon in the Sant Ferran church square.
Later that day, from 6.00pm, participants in a workshop at the Casal de Joves will pair collages and poems in homemade postcards.
Sant Jordi exhibition and awards gala
Monday the 24th to Saturday the 29th, Centre Antoni Tur "Gabrielet" will host a display of submissions from the 23rd Antoni Tur "Gabrielet" Bookmark Contest. The exhibition will be open 10.00am to 2.00pm and 5.00pm to 7.00pm (closed Sundays). Featured work is created by early-childhood and primary schoolchildren at Sant Ferran, Mestre Lluís Andreu, El Pilar and Virgen Milagrosa, as well as children in the island's two nurseries.
Pupils and their families will additionally be able to enjoy the Sant Jordi awards gala, with the Anakrònica troupe on hand to provide entertainment: La Rosa i el Drac. The gala will start at 5.30pm Monday 24 April in the Sala de Cultura (Cinema).
Saturday 22 April from 5.30pm, one of the Sant Jordi concerts –from the City of Eivissa Symphonic Band– will be held in the courtyard of Sa Senieta. Directed by Miquel Àngel Aguiló, 41 musicians will regale audiences with a varied programme including medleys of selections from movie soundtracks.
Diada de Sant Jordi
Sunday 23 April, the feast day of St George, or Diada de Sant Jordi, the traditional tables to buy and exchange books will take over Plaça de la Constitució from 10.00am to 1.00pm. The Formentera chapter of Obra Cultural Balear, local libraries, the Spanish Cancer Association and the ADN Collective also collaborate.
Other participants include authors Artur Parron and Anna Costa, who will be on hand to sell and sign their books El Partit Comunista a Eivissa i Formentera (1932-1979) and Rodolins acolorits per a grans i petits, respectively.
For the Diada's crowning event, Formentera will enjoy a performance by Imaràntia. The duet will perform songs from RetrUc, an exploration of the songbook of UC, and an expression of gratitude and celebration of the group's three founding members.
The concert will unfold in the Sala de Cultura (Cinema) Sunday 23 April at 8.30pm. Tickets go on sale Friday 14 April on
5 April 2023
Office of Communication
Consell de Formentera