The Formentera Council's heritage office wishes to announce that next week, October 2-6, the island will welcome back the Joan Marí Cardona research seminars for their seventh year. The day-long conferences, or jornades, will run from 8.00pm in the Office of Culture and Heritage's conference room.
“Since 2011, the Jornades d'Estudis Locals have been a way for the Council to promote research related to Formentera's cultural heritage,” explained patrimony secretary Susana Labrador. “This year's mission is the same”.
The following speakers were chosen for this year's programme:
Marina Mayans Marí, chemist, for research on ethnobotany on Formentera.
Benjamí Costa Ribas, head archaeologist at the Museu d'Arqueologia d'Eivissa i Formentera, for his expertise on Formentera's undersea archaeological patrimony in the museum's collection.
Maria José Escandell Torres and Ricard Marlasca Martín, archaeologists, for their work on the Byzantine necropolis dig site at carrer del Metge Vicent Riera in Sant Francesc Xavier.
Francesc Xavier Torres Peters, Eivissa cathedral canon and liturgy and patrimony delegate diocese, for his insight on Formentera-related documentary sources in Eivissa's historical Pabordia archives.
Antoni Marimon Riutort, professor of contemporary history in the Historical Sciences and Theory of the Arts Department at the UIB, for his historical research on Balearic emigration to Latin America.
In this way, the conference program is configured as follows:
Monday 2 Introduction to the ethnobotany of Formentera
Marina Mayans Marí
Tuesday 3 The Formentera heritage preserved in the Archaeological Museum of Eivissa and Formentera Benjamí Costa Ribas
Wednesday 4 A new Byzantine necropolis on Formentera: burials at sa Tanca Vella Maria José Escandell Torres and Ricard Marlasca Martín
Thursday 5 Documentary testimonies of Formentera in the historical archive of the Eivissa Pabordia
Francesc Xavier Torres Peters
Friday 6 Balearic emigration to Latin America. The case of Formentera
Antoni Marimon Riutort
As in the last year, the Formentera Teaching Centre has included the series of conferences within the educational offer for teaching staff, so that the Ministry of Education of the Government of the Balearic Islands will recognise the credits Those interested in attending the sessions.