The traveling exhibit 1715. La fi del regne enmig del mar? premiered at the Born Centre Cultural de Barcelona and is now making its way across the islands. Yesterday, 9 November, local crowds got a first look at the exhibit, on display at the municipal gallery (la sala d'exposicions) of the town council in Sant Francesc. The exhibit’s creators cast a gaze on a war known as the Guerra de Submissió (1705-1715) and, on the occasion of the tricentenary of the event, they set out to represent the perspective of the Balearic and Pitiüsa islands.
1715 shows the participation of residents of the Balearics in a historical event often forgotten or ignored today. The curator, Bartomeu Mestre, readily dusts off different bygone images: the sailors and artillerymen helping defend a besieged Barcelona, or those men depicted in El Regne enmig del Mar, set in the Balearics. The exhibit was created by Born CC de Barcelona with the additional help of the OCB (Orquesta Sinfònica de Barcelona i Nacional de Catalunya) and the 1715-2015 Tricentenary Civic Committee.
Short texts and some twenty images across twelve panels form the heart and soul of the exhibit. Each panel is headed by two lines of verse written by Guillem d’Efak and culled from El Regne enmig del Mar (Siau qui sou!). It is open to the public Monday through Friday from nine a.m. to two p.m. until 21 November.
To mark the occasion, two special talks have been organised. The first will take place Monday 16 November, led by local historian Santiago Colomar under the title Les Pitiüses i la Guerra de Successió: la derrota d’un model politic. The talk will begin at eight p.m. in the gallery of the exhibit.
Then, on Friday 4 December, Mestre, who not only curates the exhibit but also authored the text used therein, will give a visual conference entitled De la presa (1715) a la represa (2015) at eight p.m. in the Marià Villangómez library.