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Summer nursery school at Camí Vell de la Mola opens its doors

escoletacv2This morning, tucked between the Casal de l'Esport of the municipal football pitch and the Camí Vell de la Mola, the new summer nursery opened its doors to the public. The first day was intended as an opportunity for one to three year old students and their families to discover the newly-fitted space and get to know their future educators.

The experience was positive for everyone involved. An adaptation period at the centre will begin tomorrow, during which time children attend the escoleta accompanied by a family member in order to progressively adapt to a 9 a.m.-to-2 p.m. time table.

End of construction

The nursery is an extremely luminous space that comprises three classrooms, a kitchen, a cafeteria, toilets adapted for infants and a small room for nap-time. Council workers put finishing touches on the centre yesterday, focusing on the installation of artificial turf and increasing available shaded areas.

Parking scheme in La Savina regulates parking for 3,532 vehicles

La Savina controlAccording to the Formentera Council's office of transport, as of today's date 3,532 residents have received the decal/pass that permits its holder to park in la Savina. Blue decals—for Formentera residents—have been distributed to 2,951 drivers; 223 drivers have received the green decal specifically for residents of la Savina; and 358 parking passes have been delivered to drivers of company vehicles.

The office also reported that 1 June would be the final day of the ticketless warning period. After that date, any infraction of the established regulations will be met with a ticket and accompanying fine. Until now, fines had only been issued to repeat parking offenders or drivers with long-stay parking infractions.

Council representatives have hailed the increased availability of parking that followed the new system's March implementation. The Formentera Council wishes to remind any drivers without residency in Formentera—and thus ineligible for free regulated parking—that they have a 110-space car park at their disposition opposite the Illes Pitiüses park, and on the Estany des Peix-side, of la Savina. The Council also wishes to remind drivers that electric vehicles are exempt from blue zone payment requirements and that from 12 midnight to 9 a.m., parking in all blue zones is free.

Fons de Terres programme counts 21 lots among reserve

fons terres290415This week, a joint project of the Formentera farmers cooperative and Formentera Council known as Fons de Terres (meaning 'farmland reserve') took a leap forward with the annexation of five new parcels of donated land. Shortly after the project's review board gave the go-ahead for the addition, farmers cooperative head Carlos Marí announced: “With these five parcels—a combined 68,000 square metres—the total area of reclaimed land stands at 242,000 sq. m.”

The donated lots are situated at different points across the island in vénda de sa Punta (4), es Ca Marí (4), Porto Salé (5), vénda del Molí de s'Estany (2), Es Cap de Barbaria (4), Es Brolls (1) and La Mola (1). Work has already begun on 6 of the 21 parcels now registered. The farmers cooperative has reported that crops will be sown in November and December.

Formentera gets ready to celebrate Sant Ferran Days, the first local holiday of the summer

SANT FERRAN 2015 mailEarlier today, the office of local holidays of the Formentera Council announced the activities programme of Festes de Sant Ferran. Organised by the Associació de Reis Mags with the support of the Council, 'Sant Ferran Days' will have many attractions but one uncontested main event: Saturday 30 May, an evening of live music at the town square.

First among the activities, at five p.m. on Thursday 28 May, the Sant Ferran library will host a workshop for kids all about the island's local hero: posidònia seaweed. Next day, a projection of the children's film “Oliver and Company” (“Oliver y su Pandilla”) will be held in the library at the same time.

Later that Friday, at eight p.m., an indispensable element of Sant Ferran's summertime evening ambiance—the artists' market—will kick off a new season of vending. Saturday's activities get under way with an afternoon exhibition (hosted jointly by the local sailing school, l'Escola de Vela) of entries from the Sant Ferran primary school drawing contest. Snacks will be provided and awards handed out between five and seven in the evening.

The traditional festivities marking the local holiday—a chanted mass and procession that cuts across the town's interior—will take place at seven p.m. Afterward, beginning at roughly eight, an hors d'oeuvres table stocked with local-favourite orelletes will accompany a street demonstration of the traditional ball pagès dance. Finally, from half past eight, local rockers La 22 will take to the stage and give crowds everything they need to dance. Chimichurri follow with a musical set that is sure to please before making way for DJs Alex Abril and Fedde R*, of Lifecode, who close out the evening programme.

Sunday will be a moment for a bit of calm, as the day's activities feature a pilgrimage to la Creu del Pare Palau and a senalló-basket picnic. Later that day the Sant Ferran pensioners' club (Club de jubilats) will celebrate six years of existence with a noontime mass and member lunch at Hotel La Mola.

Govern and Council pact on fifty-fifty split of Formentera-Eivissa waste transfer costs

BartomeuEscandellThe Formentera Council, in the words of the administration's councillor of economy Bartomeu Escandell, “wishes to give thanks to the Govern Balear, which, by way of an arm of the Palma government known as 'el Consell de Govern' has made official a subsidy of €2,136,000—fifty percent of the Formentera-Eivissa waste transfer costs accrued from 2011 to 2014”.

The subsidy follows negotiations that were held over two years between José Vicente Marí Bossó, the autonomous government's tax and budgets councillor, and, representing the Formentera Council, Escandell himself.

Bartomeu Escandell explained: “Our wish is that the Govern assumes full responsibility of the cost of transport. That was the agreement in place from the time the es Cap de Barbaria transfer plant was opened through 31 December 2010—the duration of Balearic president Antich's presidency. We would have wanted a similar accord to bear out during this legislature”.

Councillor Escandell reported that “during this legislative sitting, the cost of waste transfer reached 4.5 millon euros, so the agreement reached today—and the €2,136,000 in funding that it guarantees—are positive for the Council”.

Escandell applauded Marí Bossó for what the economic councillor described as “his knack for true dialogue and his will to compromise”. Speaking of the outgoing legislature, Escandell continued: “With Councillor Marí Bossó, important agreements have been struck both on this issue and with regard to funding for the island councils”.

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